Act anent provision of armoure

Forsamekle as efter the propositioun maid be the kingis majestie to his nobilitie, counsall and estaittis presentlie convenit, how that it is maist necessair and expedient, for the honour and estimatioun of the cuntrey, suirtie of his majesties estait and prosequuteing of the challenge of his birth rycht quhen dew occasioun thairto beis offerrit, that all his majesties subjectis of all degries and rankis salbe weill and sufficientlie provydit and furnist with harnes and armour according to his hienes lawis and proclamationis maid thairanet, the commissioneris of Edinburgh, Dundie and Sanctandrois, being personallie present, promeist and tuke upoun thame in presens of his hienes and his estaittis that all and sindrie burgess, inhabitantis within the saidis thrie burrowis, salbe provydit, furnist and armeit weill and sufficientlie in all necessairis according to the tennour of the actis and proclamationis maid and publist heiranet of befoir, within the space of ane yeir nixt efter the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA8/1, f.34v.