Act aganis Hereis, Dumlanrig etc.

Forsamekill as William, lord Hereis, Sir James Douglas of Drumlangrig, knycht, and Schir James Johnestoun of Dunskellir, knicht, ar commandit in waird for keiping of guid peax, rest and quietnes in the west bordour and to stay the bigane stouth reiff and oppressioun usit be sic as duellis under thame, thairfoir oure soverane lord and estaittis declairis that during the tyme of thair said warding thay sall remane comptable to his hienes and to the subjectis that salhappin to be reft, spuilyeit or in onywayes grevit for ony cryme or offence to be committit be ony for quhom thai ar in ony wayes answerable be the generall band, lawis and actis of parliament of this realme, and that thai sall nawayes be excuisable of ony wrang to be committit be thame be ressoun of thair imprisonment bot sall stand in inlykemaner bund as gif thai wer at libertie and friedome. And incais complaint be maid to his majestie of ony wrang or injurie committit be ony for quhom ony of the saidis personis wairdit as said is ar answerable for, thay salbe bund to mak redres to the partie grevit of the guidis reft and spuilyeit within the space of ane month efter the making of the complaint to his hienes and intimatioun thairof to thame. And incais the samin be not done and the partie be not satisfiet within the said space, oure soverane lord and estaittis declairis that it salbe lauchfull to the lieutennent or wardane to tak intromissioun with his haill levingis and houses of ony of the saidis personis wairdit quhais man or tennentis hes committit the offence or injurie, alsweill for reparatioun and satisfactioun of the partie grevit as for the punischement of thair dissobedience in not causing the same be payit within the tyme prefixt. And forder, oure said soverane lord and estaittis hes declairit that the saidis thrie personis wairdit as said is, nor nane of thame, sall in ony wayes be fred, releisit or pute to libertie furth of thair warding quhairin thai ar presentlie imprisonit without the advyse of the lieutennent or wardane of the west merche and barronis duelland within the samin to be gevin to his majestie and counsall anent thair friedome and libertie.

  1. NAS, PA8/1, f.25v.