Barrounes suld send to the parliament commissioneris with sufficient commissionis

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament statutis and ordanis that na barrounes be ressavit as commissioneris for onie schirefdome within this realme at onie parliament to be haldin heireftir except the saidis barronis bring and produce with thame sufficient commissionis grantit to thame in ane full conventioun of the haill barrounes of the said schirefdome; quhilk commissioun salbe authoresit with the subscriptioun of ane greit nomber of the barrones than present, to gidder with the clerk of the said conventioun, his subscriptioun. And gif the said commissioun be not past in dew forme in maner foirsaid, his hienes and estaitis dischairgeis the clark of registar in all tyme heireftir of onie receving of thair saidis commissiones.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.70v.