The schireff clarkis sall bring thair buikis to the chekker thai suld be markit

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, finding that the securitie of all bying and selling of landis and of all escheittis depending upoun the registratioun of inhibitionis, interdictionis and horningis respective, the credeit quhairof allanerlie pertenis to the schireff clarkis quha hes bene oftymes improvin befoir the sessioun, thairfoir statuteis and ordanis that thair bukis be markit be the clark of registar be2 sic forme and maner as uthair notaris bukis, and that the autentick copeis be reportit yeirlie to remane in the kingis registar; quhairanent thai salbe answerabill yeirlie in the cheker under the pane of warding of thair personis or horning as sall pleis the lordis auditouris of the chekker.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.70v.
  2. APS changes this to '[in]'.