Lettiris of horning, inhibitionis, interdictionis and publication thairof aganis personis duelland within bailliereis suld be registrat in the baillies bukis2

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament statutis and ordanis that all lettres of horning, relaxationis, inhibitionis, interdictionis and publicationis thairof and uthairis of the lik sort that sall at onie tyme heireftir be resit and execut aganis quhatsumevir persone within this realme duelland within the baillereis or steuartreis, alsueill of royaltie as regalitie, be execut at the mercat croce of the heid brught and3 toun of the saidis baillereis and steuartreis within the quhilk the saidis personis duellis; and als that the saidis lettiris be registrat in the saidis steuartis and bailleis bukis, quhilk registratioun salbe als lauchfull in4 tyme cuming as gif the samyn had bene registrat in the schireff bukis, and that all executionis and registrationis that salhappin heireftir to be uthairwyis execut and registrat salbe null and of nane availl with all that hes followit thairupoun; and ordanis all the generall clauses and provisionis insert and mentionat in the actis of perliament maid of befoir anent registratioun of horningis in the schireffis bukis to be haldin and5 expressed and repetit in this present ordinance and constitutioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.69v-70r.
  2. APS heading reads, 'Lettiris of horning, inhibitionis, interdictionis, executionis and publication thairof aganis personis duelland within bailliereis suld be registrat in the baillies bukis' which is taken from the contemporary printed collection of acts, Sir John Skene, Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First and his successors Kings of Scotland - The XV Parliament of King James the Sext, halden at Edinburgh, the nineteenth day of December, the yeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, ninetie seven yeirs (Edinburgh, 1597), p.170.
  3. APS changes this to '[or]'.
  4. APS reads 'lauchfull in all ...'.
  5. APS changes this to '[as]'.