Of slayaris of reidfish, smoltis, frie and salmond in forbiddin tyme

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this2 parliament, understanding that thair has bene diverse actis of parliament maid anent the slayaris of blak fische in forbiddin tyme, smoltis and fry of all salmond fische and for halding doun of cruis and yeares, quhilk hes not tane effect throw the iniquitie of the tyme; and considdering that the gretest hurt and skaith is sustenit be his majestie throw want and inlaik of ane greit pairt of his hienes patrimonie of the custome of salmound, thairfoir his grace, with consent of the thre estaittis, hes ratefeit and apprevit and be thir presentis ratefeis and apprevis thir3 formar actis maid for punishing of slayeris of reidfische, smoltis and fry of all fischeis in forbiddin tyme, commissioun and power thairin contenit making the particular personis thairin mentionat justiceis in that pairt, with this aditioun: that all and sindrie erleis, lordis, barronis, gentilmen and frehalders haveand land nixt adjacent to the watteris and reveris quhairin salmound fische ar takin and slane within all the pairts and bounds of this realme, sall according to the generall band find caution and souertie actit in the buikis of counsall that thai and everie ane of thame salbe answerabill for thair awin tennentis and induellaris within thair landis and for all uthairis within thair boundis safar as thair landis extendis, quhom thai may stope or let, conforme to the generall band, [that thai]4 sall not slay onie salmound fische in forbiddin tyme with cobill, net, speir, wand, creill, pock or onie uthair kynd of ingyne, the erle and lord under the pane of ane thousand markis, the barroun and gentilman and uthairis quhatsumevir, awneris of watteris and landis, under the pane of fyve hundrethe markis, the ane pairt5 of the saidis panes in case of contravention to be upliftit to his majesties use, ane6 uthair half to the judgeis contenit in the formar actis; and that lettres of horning be direct at the instance of the saidis judges and chairge the saidis erleis, lordis and gentilmen and frehalders to find the said souerteis actit in maner foirsaid, exceptand furthe of the present act the watteris of Annand and Tued.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.69r-69v.
  2. APS reads 'of this present ...', which is taken from the contemporary printed collection of acts, Sir John Skene, Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First and his successors Kings of Scotland - The XV Parliament of King James the Sext, halden at Edinburgh, the nineteenth day of December, the yeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, ninetie seven yeirs (Edinburgh, 1597), p.169.
  3. APS changes this to '[the]'.
  4. APS reads, 'generall band, that thai ...'.
  5. APS changes this to '[halfe]'.
  6. APS changes this to '[and the]'.