All mercheandis sall gif ane inventare of thair mercheandice and gudis to the conservatour

Item, everie particular merchand cumand furthe of the law cuntreis to this realme sall gif up to the conservatour the speciall quantitie of his gudis and the qualetie thairof befoir the inbarking of the samyn gudis under the pane of confiscatioun thairof, and the conservatour to ve[ri]fie and try the same at his plesour, to the effect he may send hame ane cocquet of the same particularlie to his majesties thesaurar subscrivit be him self and2 his deput for escheuing of the fraud quhilk may be usit towardis his majestie in his customes.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.69r.
  2. APS changes this to '[of]'.