The aithe of the merchandis, shipperis and factoris passand to and fra the law countreis and furthe of this realme

Item,2 the conservatour sall not ressave nor admit onye cocquet, albeit the same be lauchfullie gevin, except the mercheandis, skipparis, factouris and everie ane of thame befoir the loissing of onie of thair gudis mak faith and suere solempnedlie be God him self, his creator, that he hes na forbiddin gudis or geir or na uthair lauchfull mercheandices by and attour that quhilk is contenit in the cocquet nor knawis of nane to be in the samyn schip pertening to uthairis; and that safar as he understandis the haill gudis and geir pertenis properlie to fremen and na pairt thairof to unfremen. As alsua at thair bak returning fra the law cuntreis towardis Scotland, thay sall lykwyis gif thair solemp aitheis befoir the lading of the schip or in putting of onie gudis that the gudis properlie pertenis to thame selffis and not to strangeris. And gif thai los onie gudis and geir cumand frome Scotland befoir the geving of the said aithe, or puttis onie gudis in schip burde to be transportit towardis Scotland, all the same gudis to be confiscat. And gif the said aithe be refusit be thame all and thai nawyis will mak the same, it salbe lesum to the conservatour to aireist the said schipe and all the gudis contenit thairin. And gif sum makis aithe and uthairis refusis, he sall arreist all the gudis pertenand to the pairteis refusand and mak compt thairof as said is; and quhatsumevir gudis that is not contenit in the cocquet to be confiscat as said is.

Item, it is statute and ordaind that all mercheandis and skipperis at the resaveing of thair cocquetis in all pairtis and portis within this realme sall gif thair solempe aitheis and mak faithe in forme and maner abone expremit; and that thay haif na forbiddin gudis nor na uthair lauchfull gudis or mercheandice except that quhilk is contenit in thair cocquet and entres, and sall tak na uthair gudis in all that voyage under the panis foirsaidis, quhilk aithe salbe maid to the customeris, quhairanent thay salbe ansuerabill yeirlie in the chekker.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.68v-69r.
  2. The hand changes here and remains the same until f.73v. It is a much neater, more old-fashioned hand than that which both precedes and follows.