All merchandeice brocht within this realme suld pay custome

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratefeis, apprivis and confirmis the act maid at Dundie, the threttene day of Maii the yeir of God jM vC nytie sevin yeiris anent oure soverane lordis customes, off the quhilk the tennour followis: Forsameikle as it is understand to the kingis majestie, his nobilitie, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit that the subjectis of all forane nationis quhilkis bringis and transportis one kynd of clayth or uthairis wairis or merchandice from ony forane cuntrie to thair awin native countrie hes bene in use and yit still continewis in the payment of certane custome or uthair exactioun thairfoir, cheiflie at the tyme of thair arryvell and incumming within the samin, and almaist nane or few of the subjectis of ony realme exemit thairfra (the subjectis of the cuntrey onlie exceptit), quha, be resson of ane allegit bipast immunitie, clames the privelege of exemptioun, albeit it can nocht be denyit that his majestie is ane frie prince of a soverane powar, haveand als great liberteis and prerogativis be the lawis of this realme and privelege of his crown and diademe as ony uthair king, prince or potentat quhatsumevir, and thairfoir aucht to haif the lyk custome and exactioun for interteneing of his princelie estait of all claithe and uthairis wairis and merchandeice to be brocht within this realme be his hienes subjectis at all tymes thairefter. For the quhilk purpois his majestie, with advyis of his said nobilitie, counsale and estaitis, has thocht meit, concludit and ordanit that all claithe and uthairis merchandeice quhatsumevir to be brocht within this realme fra all forane nationis sall pay the custome following at the tyme of thair arryvell and entrie thairin in all tyme cumming, that is to say tuelff penneis of everie poundis worthe of all sortis of the saidis wairis or merchandeice. And to this effect, his hienes and his said nobilitie, counsale and estaitis giffis full powar and commissioun to the lordis auditoris of his chaker and utheris of his nobilitie and counsale to the nowmer alwayis of ellevin personis at the leist to set down the A. B. C. of the custome of all clayth and uthairis wairis and merchandeice quhilkis salbe brocht and enter within this realme yeirlie heirefter; with powar lykwayis to thame to sett price upoun the saidis wairis, conform to the quhilk the custumaris to be appoyntit be his majestie to that effect sall uplift custome thairof and to mak all uthair ordinancis necessar for the ease of the merchandis and suretie of his hienes custome in the executioun of the premises, and alsua of sik uthair gudis to be transportit furthe of this realme as is nocht as yit expressit in the A. B. C. alreddie maid; provyding this act be nocht extendit to erlis, lordis, barronis and friehaldaris, bot it salbe lesun to thame to send thair gudis beyound see for thair awin perticular use and als it salbe lesun to thame to bring within this realme wynis, claythis and uthair furnessingis for thair awin perticular use and nawayis to mak merchandice thairof conform to the lawis and liberteis grantit to thame of befoir. The quhilk act abonewrittin oure soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declaris to stand as ane law in all tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.67v-68r.