All fewis may be decernit null for nocht payment of the dewtie, albeit na provisioun be maid thairanent in the infeftment

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament haveand consideratioun of the great dammpnage and skayth quhilk his majestie and liegis of this realme sustenis throuch evill and untymous payment of the few dewteis of thair landis sett in fewferme, thairfoir statutis and ordanis that incais it salhappin intycumming ony wassell or fewar haldand landis in fewferme of oure soverane lord or of ony uthair superiour immediatlie in fewferme to failyie in making of payment of his few dewtie to oure soverane lordis comptroller or uthair haveand powar of him or to uthair immediat superiour or uthairis haveand powar of him be the space of twa yearis haill and togidder, that they sall amit and tyne thair said few of thair saidis landis conform to the civill and cannoun law siclyk and in the samin maner as gif ane claus irritant war speciallie ingrossit and insert in thair saidis infeftmentis of fewferme.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.66v.