The fewaris of the temporalitie sall gif up ane rentell of thair dewteis

It is statut and ordanit that all fewaris of quhatsumevir annexit landis pertening to the temporalitie of all beneficis within this realme (except laik patronagis) salbefoir the first day of Januar the yeir of God jM vC nyntie aucht zeiris exhibit and produce to the thesaurar of augmentatioun and his deputis thair infeftmentis and titillis quhairby thai bruik and posses the saidis landis, to the effect his hienes and his saidis officiaris may be inspectioun thairof understand the dewtie quhilk thai and ilkane of thame aucht and suld pay to his hienes; the quhilk clerk sall extract ane mynute thairof, and all the speciall clauses and provisionis, gif any be contenit in the saidis infeftmentis, to remane with him as ane trew and autentik rentell of his hienes temporalitie intycumming. And gif ony of the saidis fewaris failyeis in the premises, the infeftment of fewferme and all uthair rycht and title quhilk he can allege and pretend to the saidis landis to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect be way of exceptioun or reply; and it salbe lesum to the king and his thesaurar foirsaid to intromet, lift and uptak the mailles, fermes and dewteis at the terms of Witsonday nixt and immediatlie following the said first day of Januar nixt; and ordanis that this act salbe imprentit befoir the first day of Maii nixtocum, or failyeing thairof, salbe oppinlie publishit at the heid burghe of ilk shyre; and that the samin sall nocht be extendit to ony person quha hes producit and shawin thair haldingis alredie.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.66r-66v.