The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 10 November 2024
Anent thriddis of benefices, commoun kirkis, freirlandis, rentis and benefices of cuir under prelaceis
Oure soverane lord and estaitis in parliament ratifeis, apprevis and confirmis the act maid be his hienes, with advyis of the lordis of his secreit counsale and chaker, upoun the fourtene day of Februar the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris and confirmit in parliament, with advyis of the estaitis, upoun the fyift day of Juni the yeir of God jM vC nyntie twa yeiris anent the reformatioun of the abusis of the thriddis of beneficis, commoun kirkis, freiris landis, rentis and beneficis of cure under prelaceis within this realme, and reduceing of the samin to thair first institutioun, to haif the strenthe, force and effect of ane perpetuall and generall law in all tyme cumming in all clauses and articlis of the samin and conform to the tennour thairof in all poyntis amangis all and sindrie oure soverane lordis lieges, alsweill be way of actioun and persute as be way of exceptioun and defence, and declares and decernis all and sindrie exceptionis grantit in favour of ony persone or personis in the bodie of the said act or severalie in the said parliament haldin at Edinburgh the said fyift day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC nyntie twa yeiris, or in ony uthair parliament haldin thaireftir, to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect be way of exceptioun or reply lyk as gif the samin had nevir bene gevin nor grantit, provyding alwayis that the exceptioun and provisioun contenit in the said act and constitutioun tuicheing heretable infeftmentis sall remane and stand in the awin strenthe and effect as ane exceptioun maid fra the said act and ordinance, and siclyk but prejudice of ony privelege grantit to the college of justice or ony of the lordis thairof.
- NAS, PA2/15, f.66r.