The annexit propertie may nocht be disponit bot in fewferme allanerlie

Item, it is decernit and declarit that all heretable dispositionis gevin and grantit in ony tyme bigane or to cum to ony persoun of his hienes annexit propertie, to be haldin of his majestie and his successoris in cheif be service of ward and releif or in ony uther maner of halding then in fewferme allanerlie, is null and of nane availl be way of actioun or exceptioun, becaus landis or uther annexit propertie to the crowne can nocht be sett or disponit bot in fewferme allanerlie, provyding that this constitutioun na[waies]2 prejudge sik infeftmentis and alienationis as ar maid and gevin be his hienes or his predecessoris be way of excambioun, permutatioun nor recompensatioun, sua that thairby his hienes rentell be nocht diminischit.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.65v.
  2. APS interpolation.