Alienatioun of the kingis annexit propertie

The kingis majestie and estaitis in parliament decernis and declaris that heretable infeftmentis of fewferme sett, gevin and disponit be his hienes or ony of his progenitoris of gud memorie of annexit propertie is null of the law be way of actioun or exceptioun, except sik infeftmentis and dispositionis quhilkis ar sett be his majestie or his predecessoris being of perfite aige efter dissolutioun maid in parliament in his or thair majoritie with augmentatioun of the rentell.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.65v. Following the preceding act, the rest of f.64v and all of f.65r is blank. The hand changes here from a fairly normal secretary hand to a rather scratchy one.