All ministeris provydit to prelaceis suld haif woit in parliament

Oure soverane lord and his hienes estaitis in parliament, haveand speciall consideratioun and regard of the great privelegis and immuniteis grantit be his hienes predicessoris of maist worthie memorie to the halie kirk within this realme and to the speciall personis exercing the officis, titillis and digniteis of prelaceis within the samin, quhilkis personis hes evir representit ane of the estaitis of this realme in all coventionis of the saidis estaitis, and that the saidis privelegis and fredomis hes bene from tyme to cum2 renewit and confermit in the same integritie and conditioun quhairin they war at ony tyme of befoir, sua that his majestie, now agknawlegeing the samin to be fallin and becumin under his majesteis favorable protectioun, thairfoir his majestie, of his great zeall and singular affectioun quhilk he alwayis hes to the advancement of the trew religioun presentlie professit within this realme, with advyis and consent of the saidis estaitis, statutis, decernis and declaris that the kirk within this realme quhairin the samin religioun is professit is the trew and halie kirk, and that sik pasturis and ministeris within the samin as at ony tyme his majestie sall pleis to provyid to the office, place, title and dignitie of ane bischoip, abbott or uther prelat sall at all tyme heirefter haif voitt in parliament siclyk and als frelie as ony uther ecclesiasticall prelat had at ony tyme bigane. And als declaris that all and quhatsumevir bishopreis presentlie vacand in his hienes handis quhilkis as yit ar undisponit to ony persone, or quhilkis salhappin at ony tyme heirefter to waik, salbe onlie disponit be his majestie to actuell prechearis and ministeris in the kirk or to sik utheris personis as salbe fundin apt and qualifeit to use and exerceis the office and functioun of ane minister or precheour, and quha in thair provisionis to the saidis bishoprikis sall accept in and upoun thame to be actuell pasturis and ministeris, and according thairto sall practeis and exerce the samin thairefter. Item, as concerning the office of the saidis personis to be provydit to the saidis bishoprikis in thair spirituall policie and guvernament in the kirk, the estaitis of parliament hes remittit and remittis the samin to the kings majestie to be advysit, consultit and aggreit upon be his hienes with the generall assemblie of the ministeris at sik tymes as his majestie sall think expedient to treat with tham thairon; but prejudice alwayis in the mentyme of the jurisdictoun and disciplin of the kirk establischit be actis of parliament maid in ony tyme preciding and promittit be the saidis actis to all generall and provinciall assembleis and uthairis quhatsumevir presbitereis and sessionis of the kirk.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.64v.
  2. APS changes this to '[tyme]'.