The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 10 November 2024
Judicial proceedings: reduction of the forfeitures of the Earls of Angus, Huntly and Erroll
Reductioun of the foirfaltries of the Erlis of Anguis, Huntlie and Erroll
In the actioun and caus persewit at the instance of Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, for him self and as brother sone, cheif and ane narrest of kyn to umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, and of Frances, erle of Erroll, aganis quhome the proces, dome and sentence of forfaltrie eftirspecefeit wes led, gevin and pronuncit, and thairby haveand sufficient interes to reduce the samyn aganis Walter, priour of Blantyre, thesaurar and comptroller to oure soverane lord, Maister Thomas Hammyltoun of Drumcarne, his hienes advocat for oure soverane lordis interes, Maister Johne Skeyne, clerk of registrie, Maisteris Williame Scott, Alexander Gibsoun and Alexander Hay, his deputtis, keparis and havearis of the pretendit proces of forfaltrie eftirspecefeit, and all utheris haveand or pretendand to have interes in the actioun of reductioun undirwrittin for productioun with thame befoir his majestie and estaitis of parliament of ane pretendit summondis of forfaltrie raisit and execut at oure soverane lordis instance aganis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, Frances, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindon, knycht, for the allegit treassonable traffequeing with forene natiounes for the alteratioun of the estate of the commoun weill and countrey and religioun presentlie professit thairintill, and directing of Maister George Ker to Spaine to that effect, consulting and devysing with Jesuitis and seminarie preistis for performing of the said treassonable and wicked interpryse, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said pretendit summondis of forfaltrie of the date the nyntene day of Marche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir threttene yeiris execute aganis the saidis thrie erlis, and the said umquhile Schir Patrik to have comperit the tuentie day of Maii nixtt and immediatlie thaireftir following, togidder with the haill executiones of the said pretendit summondis and verificationes of the samyn act of interloquutour be the quhilk the said pretendit summondis and ressoun of treassoun thairin contenit wes fundin relevant, haill probatiounes led and deducit for preving of the crymes of treassoun contenit thairintill, viz: the aucht blankis allegit subscryvit be the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik, thair stampis; the depositioun of Maister George Ker allegit subscryvit with his awin hand, and missive letter allegit writtin and subscryvit be him, directit to oure soverane lord; the depositioun of umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie; the dome of forfaltrie gevin and pronuncit aganis the said umquhile David; the pretendit and allegit missive letteris allegit writtin be Maisteris James Gordown under the fenyeit name of James Crystesoun, Robert Abercrombie under the fenyeit name of Robert Sandersoun, togidder with the pretendit letter allegit writtin and subscryvit be the said umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie under the fenyeit name of David Foster; the pretendit letter of recommendatioun allegit writtin be the saidis Maisteris James Gordoun and Robert Abercrombie in favouris of the said Maister George Ker, togidder with the allegit pretendit lettre writtin be the said umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie to oure soverane lord; ane charge directit be oure soverane lord and lordis of secrete counsaill quhairby the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik wer chargit to entir thair persones in waird as suspect of treassoun, with the executiones of the saidis chargis; the act and decrete of secrete counsaill maid at Edinburgh the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC [...] yeiris, with the lettres of publicatioun and executionis of the samyn, be the quhilk act and decrete it wes fundin and declarit that the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik had incurrit and controvenit the charge of treassoun, and thairfoir suld be punischit, estemit and accusit as treatoure; and all utheris probationis, depositiones of witneses led and deducit in the said cause for preving of the said pretendit summondis of forfaltrie, togidder with the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie gevin and pronuncit upone the said pretendit summondis, findand and declairand the saidis pretendit summondis and pointis of treassoun thairin contenit to be sufficientlie verefeit and provin, and thairfoir the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie and Frances, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik to have committit crymes of treassoun aganis oure soverane lord and the cuntrey, and to be punischit and demanit in thair persones as treatouris and thair haill landis, heretagis, gudis and geir to be adjudgit to pertene to oure soverane lord, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie gevin and pronuncit in the said parliament upone the [...] day of [...] the yeir etc. fourscoir [...] yeiris, to have bene sene and considerit be oure soverane lord and the saidis estaitis and to have hard and sene the said pretendit decrete of secrete counsaill, findand and declarand the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik to have incurrit the panis of treassoun for thair not entering in waird and obeying of the said charge of treassoun, togidder with the said act of interloquutour findand the said summondis and ressoun of treassoun thairin contenit relevant; as lykwayes the said pretendit sentence and dome of foirfaltrie gevin and pronuncit in maner foirsaid, with all that has followit or may follow thairupone, bene retreatit, rescindit, cassit, annullit, decernit and declarit to have bene frome the beginning and to be in all tyme cumnyng null and of nane availl, force nor effect. And the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie and Frances, erle of Erroll, for thame selffis and the said George, erle of Huntlie, cheif and kinnisman foirsaid, be restorit to thair awin landis, heretagis, rowmes, richtis, titillis and securiteis they had thairof befoir the said foirfaltrie, honouris, digniteis, offices and estaitis als frelie as gif the said pretendit sentence and decrete of secrete counsaill and dome of foirfaltrie had nevir bene gevin nor pronuncit for the causes following: In the first, becaus the saidis pretendit charges usit and directit be oure soverane lord and the lordis of secrete2 quhairby the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, and Francis, erle of Erroll, and the said umquhile Schir Patrik wer chargit to have enterit thair persones in waird under the panis of treassone, and decrete of secrete counsaill following thairupone findand and declarand the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik to have incurrit the panis of treassoun for thair contumacie and not entering in waird, was maist wrangouslie and enormelie direct and gevin insafar as oure soverane lord, upone suspitioun of treassoun without lauchfull tryell or cognitioun, mycht nor culd not direct lettres to charge ony persone suspect of treassoun to enter thair persone in waird under the pane of treassoun, bot the maist oure soverane lord culd do be ordinar forme of justice was ather to caus tak and apprehend the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik and putt thair persones in custodie or than to direct lettres to charge thame under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne to enter thair persones in waird. And gevand of the lawes and practique of this realme, oure soverane lord micht have directit charges aganis the saidis persones without ether tryell or cognitioun, chargeing thame as suspect of treassoun to enter thair persones in waird under the pane of treassoun; yit upone thair contumacie and not obedience, oure soverane lord nether of law nor practique culd have gevin out ony decrete or sentence aganis thame findand and declairand thame to be giltie of treassoun, inrespect of thair dissobedience without ane lauchfull citatioun of thame to that effect, and ane just and lauchfull tryell and cognitioun had led and deducit aganis thame of the pretendit crymes of treassoun layit to thair charge, and that it had bene dewlie and sufficientlie provin that thai and everie ane of thame had bene giltie and culpabill of the crymes of treassoun layit to thair charge, for of the law and inviolable practique of all natiounes na persones accusit of capitall crymes can be convict ob solam contumaciam nisi cognito et probato crimine. Et contumacia est presumptiva tantum probatio vel confessio que sola non sufficit ad condempnationem, sed necesse est preterea eas deduci probationes que sufficient ad condempnationem. And trew it is and of veritie that the saidis chargis of secrete counsaill wes gevin and directit without ony tryell or cognitioun preceding; as lykwayes the said decrete and sentence of secrete counsaill was gevin and pronuncit aganis the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik for not entering in waird and obeying of the saidis chargis without ony kynd of new citatioun or tryell or probatioun led and deducit aganis thame quhairupone ony kynd of condigne sentence or decrete micht have followit; and thairfoir the saidis pretendit charges and decrete of counsaill following thairupone (at the leist the said pretendit decrete of secrete counsaill, with lettres of publicatioun and all that has followit or may follow thairupon) aucht and suld be retreitit, rescindit, cassit, annullit, decernit and declarit to have bene frome the beginning and to be in all tyme cummig null and of nane availl, force nor effect, and the saidis thrie erlis fred and relevit of the samyn als frelie in all sortis and respectis as gif the said pretendit decrete and sentence had nevir bene gevin nor pronuncit. Secundlie, the saidis pretendit interloquutour, sentence and dome of foirfaltrie gevin and pronuncit in parliament aganis the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik as said is aucht and suld be retreatit, rescindit, cassit and annullit becaus the sam was led and deducit, dome and sentence pronuncit aganis the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik for null defence and not comperance. Lykas they nather micht nor culd compeir nather be thame selffis nor thair procurators inrespect of the said pretendit sentence and decrete of secrete counsaill standand aganis thame, fra the quhilkis they war nawayes lauchfullie releiffit nor relaxit, quhilk aucht to have bene done; and they aucht to have bene maid hable to compeir befoir oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament befoir they had bene summonit be oure soverane lord to answer befoir his majestie and the saidis estaitis upone the pointis, heidis and causes of treassoun contenit in the said summondis and sentence of foirfaltrie directit and gevin aganis thame. And gif they micht and had comperit, thay wald have elidit and stayit the samyn to have bene put to ony probatioun inrespect of the generalitie and ineptitude thairof, for they wald and micht have allegit (lyk as thai now presentlie allege in the secund) that the said pretendit summondis and crymes of treassoun contenit thairintill wes nawayes relevant nor contenit na relevant cause of forfaltrie quhilk onywayes micht have bene admittit to probatioun, insafar that the said pretendit ressoun and summondis of forfaltrie contenis and beris onlie that the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik conspyrit, consultit and concludit the horrible crymes and deidis of treassoun to be execute and performit for the alteratioun of the estate of this realme, trew religioun thairin professit and be oure soverane lordis act of parliament stablissit, quhilk conspiracie, consultatioun and conclusioun wes maid in the monethis of Junii, Juli, September, October, November or ane of thame in anno jM vC fourscoir tuelf in the counsallis and conventionis had be thame with Maisteris James Gordoun, Robert Abercrombie and George Ker and umquhile David Grahame of Fintrie, or ane of thame upone lettres and missives writtin be Maisteris Williame Creichtoun and umquhile James Tyrie, Jesuittis, directit frome Spaine to the said Maister James, in the quhilk it wes declarit how diligentlie they had travellit with the king and counsaill of Spane for men and money to be transportit in Scotland for the subversioun of the religioun thairin professit and invasioun of the realme of England, and wes onlie stayit quhill sum speciall man wer send frome Scotland with lettres of credit and blankis subscryvit be the nobillis, quha wald oblises thame selffis in name of the Catholique Romannis within the realme of Scotltand remanand, quhilkis blankis suld be fillit be the advyse of the said Maisteris Williame Creichtoun and umquhile James Tyrie than being in Spane; and that all sure bandis and pledgis for the saidis silver and men, extending to the number of threttie thowsand armit men to enter at the west seas of this countrey besyd Kirkcubrych or in Clyd as the wynd and weather micht serve, for performig of the quhilk tressonable cryme the saidis blankis, pairt in Latine and pairt in Frenche, with lettres of credit, wer subscryvit be the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie and Frances, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun, planelie affirmand thame in the said subscriptioun to be the maist humble and obedient servitouris to the king of Spane, quhome to the saidis lettres wer directit. Quhilk manefestlie declarit thair tressonable deidis, seing they of nature and law wer oblist to oure soverane lord thair king and prince, they lousit and dissolvit thair band and fidelitie auchtand to oure soverane lord and astrictit and band thame selffis to ane strange king, without oure soverane lordis consent, and send the saidis blankis subscryvit with thair handis to the king of Spane to be fillit be him and his counsaill as they thocht expedient, for the hurte and detrement of oure soverane lordis authoritie, countrey and liegis. Quhilkis blankis wes to the effect foirsaid thaireftir in the moneth of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris delyverit to Maister George Ker, with the stampis and sealis of the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun prentit upone walx. Quhilk Maister George, being electit for passing to Spane and performing of the saidis wickit interprysis, acceptit the said message upone him, and passand forward his voyage come to the Ile of Combry with ane full commissioun frome the foirsaidis persones, taking the burding upone thame for the haill Catholik Romanis of thair factioun, with faythfull promeis maid be thame to prepair thame selffis, thair poweris and horsmen safar as the silver micht extend to, to await and abyd upone the incummyng of the saidis Spanyairdis, and suld leid and conduce the maist pairt of thame in England for eversioun of the sam and religioun thairin professit, and fyve thowsand of the saidis Spanyardis to remane within this countrey, with quhome the foirsaidis persones and the haill papistis of thair sect within this realme suld conjune thame selffis for the alteratioun of the estait of this countrey and religioun thairin professit, and for raising upe of the mess and the professioun of the Catholik Romane religioun, to the evident danger and detriment of oure soverane lordis persone, inquieting of the peax of this countrey, alteratioun of the haill estait of the sam, committand thairby manifest treassoun aganis God, oure soverane lordis authoritie royall and liegis, quhilk is the haill tenour and substance of the ressone and crymes of forfaltrie contenit in the said summondis. Quhilkis crymes qualefeit in maner abone rehersit contenit nor contenis na relevant cause of forfaltrie quhairupone ony probatioun micht have bene ressavit or dome of forfaltrie micht have followit, seing thair wes nathing qualefeit in the said summondis quhilkis mycht importe ony cryme aganis the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun bot onlie thair allegit consulting, conspyring and concluding horrable deidis of treassoun to be execute for the alteratioun of the estait of this countrey and religioun thairin professit, and that in the monethis of Junii, Julii, August, September, October and November, at the lest ane of thame, in the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris; quhilkis consultationis and conclusionis wes allegit had be thame with Maisteris James Gordoun, Robert Abercrombie, George Ker and umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie, or ane of thame, and directing of blankis with the said Maister George Ker to the king and counsaill of Spane for performing of the saidis interprysis, calland thame selffis in the saidis blankis maist humbill and obedient serrvitoris to the king of Spane, quhairby they lousit and dissolvit thair band and fidelitie auchtand to oure soverane and astrictit thame selffis to ane strang king without oure soverane lordis consent. Quhilkis heidis contenit nor contenis na relevant caus of treassoun be ressoun it is nevir qualefeit nor comprehondit in the said pretendit summondis nor ressone thairof quhair and in quhat place the saidis consultationis wer had and upone quhat dayis and in quhat moneth in speciall the sam wes had and with quhome, bot onlie qualefeand that the consultationis wes had in the monethis of Junii, Julii, August, September, October and November, or ane of thame, with Maisteris James Gordoun, Robert Abercrombie, George Ker and umquhile David Grahame of Fyntrie, or ane of thame, not condiscendand with quhome in speciall and in quhat moneth and day nor quhat place. Quhilk generalitie and ineptitude maid not onlie the saidis summondis irrelevant, for of the law and daylie practique of this realme in all crymes the summondis or dittay aucht to be sua relevant and specialie consavit upone the persones, tymes, maner of committing of the sam and haill circumstances, that without the samin be specialie condiscendit upone, the said summondis nor dittay can nawayes be sustenit. Bot alsua be the said generalitie and ineptitude the saidis erlis defenses wer tane fra thame, be the quhilk they micht and wald have allegit and provin per scripta that they and the allegit persones quhome with they wer allegit to have maid thair tressonable consultationis and conclusiones wer safar distant the day and dayes of the allegit making thairof that possiblie thair culd be3 meting nor consulting among thame, as lykwayes thair culd be na kynd of probatioun led nor deducit upone the said generall ressoun; and as the samin behuiffit to be specialie provin anent the tymes, places and persones, sua of all necessitie behuiffit the samin to be specialie qualefeit. And as to that heid of the said pretendit summondis bearand the saidis persewaris to have committit manifest crymes of treassoun be calling thame selffis maist humble and obedient serrvitouris to the king of Spane, that pairt of the said pretendit summondis wes lykwayes nawayes relevant for gevand and not grantand that the saidis persewaris had subscryvit the saidis blankis, yit that forme of subscriptioun nawayes hurtis nor dirogattis thair dewtifull obedience had and pretening to oure soverane lord, the samin being officiosa et epistolaris subscriptio and ane commoun forme of stile observit in wryting to all kingis and princis be subjectis and inferioris albeit of diverse natiounes, specialie haveing consideratioun that betuix oure soverane lord and the King of Spane thair wes na oppin inimitie nor denuncit waris. And lyk as4 soverane lordis frie liege and subject may enter in familiar serrvice with the kingis of Spane or France without oure soverane lordis consent and nawayes thairby derogat the obedience auchtand to his majestie, evin sua may oure soverane lordis inferiour liege and subject wrytt familiarlie to ane forene king or prince with quhome oure soverane lord is undir amitie and freindchip, styland him self maist humbill serrvitour to the said forene prince, sua the nakit subscriptioun and style abone specefeit culd nevir importe ony treassoun nor contene ony relevant cause of tressone be the self, quhilk allegeance, incace the samin had bene proponit in the first instance, wald have bene sufficient to have elidit the said summondis of forfaltrie and ressoun thairin contenit and stayit the samyn to have bene put to ony probatioun, evinsua now in the secund instance aucht and suld be gude ressones of reductioun of the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie; and thairfoir the said pretendit act of interloquutour and the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie with all that hes followit or may follow thairupone aucht and sold be retreatit, rescindit, cassit, annullit, decernit and declarit to have bene frome the beginning and to be in all tyme cumming null and of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes followit thairupon, and the saidis persewaris restorit to thair landis, heretages, rowmes, possessionis, offices, digniteis, honouris and utheris quhatsumevir als frelie as gif the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie had nevir bene led, deducit, gevin nor pronuncit. Thridlie, becaus gevand and not grantand that the said pretendit summondis and ressone of forfaltrie thairin contenit had bene relevant, yit the samin wes nawayes provin, partlie be ressone thair wes diverse and sindrie substantiall heidis and pointis of the said pretendit summondis of tressoun quhilkis requirit ane cleir and manifest probatioun, and yit nather wrytt nor witneses producit to preve the samin, and pairtlie becaus the wryttis and witneses producit for proveing of the utheris heidis and pointis of the said pretendit summondis of tressoun nawayes previt the samin, and sua the said pretendit sumondis remanit altogidder not provin insafar as the speciall heidis and pointis of the said summondis and ressoun of treassoun quhilkis in onywayes micht have maid the samin relevant beris that the saidis thrie erlis and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun conspyrit, consultit and concludit the horrible crymes of treassoun in the monethis of Junii, Julii, August, September, October and November in the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf, or in ane of thame, with Maisteris James Gordoun, Robert Abercrombie, George Ker and umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie, upone lettres and missives directit be Maisteris Williame Creichtoun and umquhile Maister James Tyrie to Maister James Gordoun, berand how they had traveliit with the king of Spane for men and money for the alteratioun of the estait of this countrey and religioun thairin professit and invasioun of the realme of Ingland, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said ressoun of forfaltrie. For preving of the quhilkis heidis and speciall pointis of treassoun, thair wes nathing producit, nather wrytt nor witneses, ather to preve the directing of the saidis missives frome Spane to Scotland, or than the saidis persewaris conventioun upone the saidis missives consulting and concluding in maner foirsaid, and nather was the saidis pretendit missives producit, nor yit wrytt nor witneses to preve thair conventionis, consulting and conclusioun. Lyk as thair wes nevir sic missives writtin, conventioun, consulting nor conclusioun had nor maid; and albeit sic missives had bene writtin and send to the said Maister James Gordoun and had bene producit in parliament for preving of the said ressoun and summondis, yit the samin culd preve nathing aganis the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik, except it had bene specialie and cleirlie provin that they had convenit with the said Maister James Gordoun and utheris persones foirsaidis upone the saidis5 and treassonable contentis thairof, allowit and approvin the samin, consultit and concludit the horrible crymes of tressoun contenit in the said summondis, quhilk wes nather provin nor na kynd of thing usit for probatioun thairof, sua that pairt of the said summondis safar as micht work aganis the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik remanit altogidder unprovin. And quhair it may appeir that that pairt ather wes or micht be provin be ony kynd of missive lettres ather writtin be Maisteris James Gordoun, Robert Abercrombie or umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie to Maisteris Williame Creichtoun or umquhile James Tyrie or ather of thame, the saidis missives culd preve nathing, nether of law nor practique aganis the saidis erlis, persewaris, nor yit the said umquhile Schir Patrik, bot onlie aganis the wrytar. And as to the allegit depositiones of Maister George Ker and umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie, the samin lykwayes nawayes previt that heid nor article of the said summondis inrespect that thai nor nane of thame was judicialie sworne nor examinat upone the saidis pretendit summondis and contends thairof befoir the judgis quhome befoir the said forfaltrie was led and deducit. Nather yit wes the saidis thrie erlis, persewaris, and the said umquhile Schir Patrik summonit to heir and sie thame sworne, ressavit and examinat upone the said pretendit summondis of forfaltrie, bot onlie thair depositiones maid extra judicium aganis thair selffis in alia caussa producit in modum probationis, quhilkis nather of law nor practique culd preve, for of the law testibus non testimoniis credendum est and quhatsumevir they deponit aganis the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik, the samin was be reherse and reporte of utheris. And forder, as to the depositioun of the said Maister George Ker, the samin was extra judicium for feir of tortour and upone promeis of his lyfe; lykas the said Maister George Ker was tortourit and strukin in the buikis befoir the making of his confessioun, for of the law ane confessit6 extortit wirkis and previs nathing aganis the confessour, mekilles aganis ane uther persone. And as to the remanent heidis of the said summondis and ressoun of forfaltrie foundit and groundit upone the subscriptioun and directioun of the blankis and directing of the said Maister George with the samin to Spane for performing and outreding of the saidis horrible crymes of treassoun contenit in the said summondis, that pairt lykwayes was nawayes provin, not onlie for the ressones and causes abonespecefeit, bot alsua becaus the saidis blankis bure na directioun quhome to they wer send, and the subscriptioun of thame be the saidis persewaris, calland thame selffis maist humble and obedient servitouris albeit they had bene directit to the King of Spane, nather importis of the self tressoun nor yit can preve treassoun be ressone that forme of subscriptioun, albeit directit to the king of Spane with quhome oure soverane lord wes than undir amitie and freindschip, is nather of law, forme nor consuetude of natiounes forbiddin. And the samyn being onlie officiosa et epistolaris subscriptio observit throw all natiounes can preve na kynd of pointis of treassoun, nor yit that the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik onywayes prejudgit or hurte oure soverane lord be the subscriptiones of thair naturall, dewtifull obedience auchtand to his majestie. And lykwayes thair was nathing producit to verefie quhat suld have bene fillit in the saidis blankis, bot onlie the depositiones abonespecefeit, quhilkis, for the ressones foirsaidis, previt nathing. And forder na blankis, nether of law nor practique, can mak fayth nor nathing insert thairintill except it be expreslie writtin on the bak for quhat cause the saidis blankis wer grantit and quhat suld be insert in the samin, sua that na depositiones of witneses micht help or supporte the filling of the saidis blankis nor declair quhat suld be fillit thairintill. And sen blankis nather of law nor practique can preve nor verefie nathing in civill causes of litill importance, mekle les can the the samin preve in great and weichtie causes of treassoun quhilk concernis lyfe, landis, gudis and extirping of the posteritie. And as to the charge quhilk was directit be oure soverane lord and the lordis of secrete counsaill quhairby the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik wer chargit to enter thair persones in waird as suspect of treassoun and dissobeyit, as lykwayes the act and decrete of secrete counsaill maid at Edinburgh the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir [...] yeiris, with the lettres of publicatioun of the samin findand and declarand that the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Schir Patrik had contravenit the foirsaid charge of treassoun and thairfoir suld be punischit, estemit and accusit as treatouris, quhilkis wer lykwayes producit be oure soverane lordis advocat in modum probationis for preving of the said pretendit summondis and ressoun of treassoun thairin contenit, the saidis chargis, decrete and publicatioun following thairupone being retreatit, cassit and annullit in maner contenit in the first ressoun can preve na pairt, point nor article of the said pretendit summondis and ressoun of forfaltrie. And forder they culd preve nathing be ressoun the said decrete and publicatioun was gevin and usit ob solam contumaciam, quhilk of the law and practique of all natiounes, specialie in criminalibus, induces not ane pairtie to be giltie nor culpable et ob solam contumaciam nemo donari potest nisi cognito et probato crimine nec contumax in criminibus semper pro confesso habetur ob solam contumaciam nisi presumptiue que presumptiua confessio sola non sufficit ad condempnationem sed necesse est preterea eas deduci probationes que sufficient ad condempnationem. This is expreslie decydit in 'Auth. qua in provincia, C. ubi de criminibus agi oporteat Bart. ad le, absentem f. de peins glos'. ad ca decernimus 3. 4. 9.'7 And sua being of the law and daylie practique of this realme, the not compering of ony persone suspect of ane cryme or treassoun is na ground nor argument to convict him, nor yit is ony kynd of probatioun quhairupone ony sentence or dome may follow. The chargis of secrete counsaill, the saidis persewaris and the said umquhile Patrikis contumacie and not comperance, the decrete of counsaill and publicatioun following thairupone previt na heid, point, clause nor article of the said pretendit summondis and ressoun of tressoun bot onlie previt aganis thame presumptive, quhilk of the law as said is is na ground nor argument quhairupone ony dome or sentence of forfaltrie micht have followit; and sua the said pretendit summondis and ressone of tressoun thairin contenit remanit altogidder not provin. And as to the witneses producit be oure said soverane lordis advocat for preving of the saidis summondis and ressoun, they culd preve nathing quhilk behuiffit to be provin be wrytt. As lykwayes the saidis witneses previt nathing quhilk consistit in facto or quhairupone ony kynd of sentence or dome of forfaltrie micht have followit. Quhilkis objectionis aganis the wryttis and probationis led and deducit be the said advocat for preving of the said pretendit summondis and ressone of foirfaltrie, incaice they had bene maid and proponit debito tempore in the first instance, they had bene sufficient groundis and argumentis for staying and elyding of the said sentence and dome of forfaltrie and finding of the said summondis provin, and now in the secund instance aucht and suld be sufficient ressones of reductioun seing the said haill proces wes led and deducit for non comperance and null defence. And thairfoir the said pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltrie, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupone, aucht and suld be retretit, rescindit, cassit, annullit, decernit and declarit to have bene frome the beginning and to be in all tymes cumming null, and the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie and Francis, erle of Erroll, for thame selffis and the said George, erle of Huntlie as brother sone, cheif and kynnisman foirsaid to the said umquhile Schir Patrik, restorit, reducit and reponit in thair awin places to the richtis of thair landis, heretages, rowmes, possessionis, offices, honouris and digniteis quhilkis they had befoir the said foirfaltrie in the samin maner, forme and estait as gif the said pretendit forfaltrie had nevir bene led nor maid for the causes foirsaidis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the principall summondis of reductioun rasit in the said mater. The saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, for himself and as ane of the narrest of kyn of the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun, and the said Frances, erle of Erroll, comperand all personalie, and the said Maister Johne Skeyne, clerk of registrie, for himself and his saidis deputtis, being alsua personalie present, quha, for satisfeing the desyre and productioun of the said summondis, producit in parliament thir wryttis following, to wit: the foirsaid pretendit summondis of foirfaltrie rasit and execute at oure soverane lordis instance aganis the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, Francis, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, of the date the nyntene day of Marche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir threttene yeiris, togidder with the haill executionis of the said pretendit summondis and verificatioun of the samyn, act of interloquutour be the quhilk the said pretendit summondis and ressoun of tressoun thairin qualefeit wes fundin relevant, haill wryttis and probationis led and deducit for preving of the crymes of tressoun contenit thairintill, viz: the aucht blankis allegit subscryvit be the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, Francis, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun, with thair seallis and stampis; aucht sindrie depositionis allegit maid and subscryvit be Maister George Ker; ane missive letter allegit writtin and subscryvit be him direct to his majestie; fyve sindrie depositionis allegit maid and subscryvit be umquhile David Grahame of Fintrie, with the dome of forfaltour gevin and pronuncit aganis the said umquhile David Grahame, and ane missive writtin with the said Davidis awin hand; sex missive lettres allegit writtin be Maister James Gordoun under the fenyeit name of James Crystesoun; ane missive letter allegit writtin be Robert Abercrombie under the fenyeit name of Robert Sandersoun; ane pretendit letter allegit writtin and subscryvit be umquhile David Grahame, sumtyme of Fintrie under the fenyeit name of David Foster; the pretendit letter of recomendatioun allegit writtin be the saidis Maisteris James Gordoun and Robert Abercrombie in favoris of the said Maister George Ker; togidder with four chargis direct be his majestie and lordis of secrete counsaill quhairby the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie and Francis, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun wer chargit to enter thair persones in waird as suspect of treassoun, with the executionis of the saidis chargis; ane act and decrete of secrete counsaill following upone the saidis charges and publicatioun past upone the samin decrete, togidder with the said pretendit sentence and dome of foirfaltrie gevin and pronuncit upone the said summondis contrair the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, Frances, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie tua day of Aprile jM vC fourscoir fourtene yeiris. Upone the productioun of the quhilkis wryttis judicialie in presens of his majestie, estaittis and pairteis persewaris foirsaidis, Maister Johne Skeyne, clerk of registrie, askit instrumentis. And the said Maister Thomas Hamyltoun of Drumcarne, advocat to oure soverane lord, for him self and als for the said Walter, commendatar of Blantyre, thesaurar and comptroller to his majestie, for his hienes interes, being lykwayes personalie present, quha referrit the ressones of the said summondis of reductioun and relevancie thairof to the saidis estaittis, thaireftir the foirsaidis pairteis richtis, ressones, allegationis with the foirsaid proces and dome of forfaltour, haill wryttis and blankis befoir specefeit producit be the said clerk of registrie, utheris wryttis and probationis producit and repetit for the pairtis of the saidis persewaris for preving of thair ressones of reductioun abonewrittin hard, sene, understand and his hienes and estaittis thairwith being ryplie advysit, oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament findis and declaris that the ressoun of the said summondis of forfaltrie wes sufficientlie and relevantlie qualefeit in that pairt anent the tyme of the conspiracie, persones of the conspiratouris and with quhome they conspyrit upone the crymes and tressones mentionat in the saidis ressones, and thairfoir assolyeis simpliciter the saidis thesaurar and advocat frome that pairt of the foirsaid ressoun of reductioun proponit aganis the generalitie and irrelevancie of the said summondis of forfaltrie in the heidis and pointis thairof abonerehersit, and decernis thame quit thairfra in tyme cumming; and als findis and declaris the haill remanent ressones of reductioun befoir specefeit relevant and sufficientlie qualefeit to infer reductioun of the said decrete and dome of forfaltour (except in the speciall heidis thairof abonewrittin quhairfra absolvitor is gevin as said is). And thairfoir oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament retretis, rescindis, cassis and annullis the foirsaid pretendit decrete of secrete counsaill findand and declarand the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, Francis, erle of Erroll and the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, to have incurrit the panis of tressoun for thair not entering in waird and obeying the said charge of treassoun of the date at Edinburgh, the aucht day of Marche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir threttene yeiris, togidder with the said act of interloquutour maid in the said first instance findand the said summondis and ressones of treassoun thairin contenit relevant. And als retretis and rescindis the foirsaid pretendit sentence and dome of forfaltour gevin and pronuncit in maner foirsaid of the date at Edinburgh, the aucht day of Juni jM vC fourscoir fourtene yeiris with all that hes followit or may follow thairupone, and decernis and declaris the samin to have bene frome the beginnig and to be in all tyme cumming null and of nane availl, force nor effect, and restoris the saidis Williame, erle of Angus, George, erle of Huntlie, for him self and as brother sone, cheif and speciall kynnisman to the said umquhile Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knycht, and als the said Frances, erle of Erroll, in thair awin places and to thair awin landis, heretagis, rowmes, possessionis, richtis, titillis and securiteis quhilkis they had thairof befoir the said forfaltrie, honouris, digniteis, offices and estaitis als frelie as gif the saidis pretendit sentence, decrete of secrete counsaill and dome of forfaltour had nevir bene led, gevin nor execute becaus the haill ressones of reductioun abonewrittin (except that pairt thairof qualifeit and proponit aganis the generalitie and irrelevancie of the said summondis of forfaltour fra the quhilk absolvitour is gevin in maner foirsaid) being fundin relevant be oure said soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament, wes in all the pointis, heidis and articlis thairof sufficientlie verefeit and provin, as wes cleirlie understand to oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis; and ordinis lettres to be direct to the effect foirsaid in forme as efferis.8
- NAS, PA2/15, f.60r-64r.
- APS reads 'secrete counsaill'.
- APS reads 'culd be na ...'.
- APS reads 'And lyk as oure ...'.
- APS reads 'the saidis missives ...'.
- Sic. APS silently changed this to 'confessioun'.
- This is a reference citing the sources for the legal principle just set out. Source unknown.
- The bottom half of f.64r is blank.