Act anent the restreaning off the hamebringing off Inglis claith

The kingis majestie, his nobilitie, counsale and esteatis presentlie convenit, foirseing the grite hurte and inconvenient quhilk the commounwele of this realme dalie sustenis throu the unproffitable trade usit be maircheantis in the hamebringing of Inglis claith and uthairis Inglis wairis and maircheandice maid of woll, the same claith haveand onlie for the maist parte ane outwarde shaw, wantand the substance and strenth quhilk oftymes it appeiris to have, and being ane of the cheiff causes of the transporting of all gold and silver furth of this realme and consequentlie of the grite scarsitie and present derth of the cunyie now current within the samyn, seing that kynd of exchange cannot weill be intertenyit be ony lauchfull trade or uthiris wairis or marcheandice to be transportit furth of this realme, quhilkis be the lawis of the sam ar not alreddy prohibite and forbiddin; and thairfoir his majestie, with avise of his nobilitie, counsale and esteatis foirsaidis, hes thocht meit and convenient to restreane the hamebringing within this realme off all Inglis claith or utheris Inglis wairis or marcheandice maid of woll in tyme cuming, and ordanis lettres to be direct chargeing officiaris of armes to pas and mak publicatioun heirof be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croceis of the heid burrowis of this realme and uthiris placeis neidfull, quhairthrow nane pretend ignorance thairof; and to command and charge all his hienes liegis, off quhat estate, qualitie or degree that evir they be of, that nane of thame tak upoun hand to by or bring hame within this realme tobe sauld ony kynd of Inglis claith or uthiris Inglis wairis or marcheandice maid of woll at ony tyme heireftir, undir the pane of confiscatioun of the same claith and marcheandice and all uthiris the movable guidis of the hamebringaris to his majesteis use. Certifeing thame and thay failyie or do in the contrair, that the same claith and movable guidis salbe confiscat and intrommettitwith with all rigour and extremitie in example of uthairis.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 538.