Act anent the custumes and bulyeoun

The kingis majestie, with avise of his nobilitie, counsale and esteatis presentlie convenit, hes ordanit and ordanis all actis of parliament maid anent the payment to his hienes of his majesteis custumes and maner of custuming thairof in weying, noumering and telling of the guidis custumable tobe putt to dew executioun heireftir according to the tennour of the same in all pointis and A. B. C. gevin to the custumaris to the same effect of befoir comptand fra the date of the act maid be his majestie, his nobilitie, counsaill and esteatis quhilkis convenit at the burgh of Perth upoun the fyft day of Marche lastbipast, gevand commissioun to certane of his majesties trusty counsallouris to tak ordour anent the saidis custumes to this present day and at all tymes heireftir. And inlykmaner that bulyeoun salbe brocht hame for the furnissing of his hienes cunyiehouse and tobe collectit be the custumaris, inbrocht and delyverit be thame to the maister cunyeour according to the lawis and actis of parliament maid anent the quantitie thairof and sortis of wairis for the quhilkis the samin sould be brocht in. With provisioun that forsamekle as his hienes money sen the last act maid anent the bulyeoun is rased fra the price of fourty schillingis the unce, tobe now at fifty schillingis the unce, that everie unce of brunt silver of utter fyne at xij deneiris quhilk the marcheantis sall bring in to the cunyiehouse, the maister cunyeour salbe astricted to redeliver to thame ane unce of silver of his majesteis present current money at xj deneiris. And incais the bulyeoun sua brocht in be the saidis maircheantis be not utter fyne at xij deneiris, thay salbe haldin to supplie it be augmentatioun of the quantitie thairof, and, swa makand it be compt and augmentatioun tobe of the fynnes of xij deneiris, sall ressave for everie unce frome his majesteis maister cunyeour ane unce of his hienes cunyie of xj deneiris.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 538.