Procedure: discharge of meetings of the kirk within Edinburgh
Discharge of all conventionis of the kirk tobe haldin at Edinburgh

2The kingis majestie, with advise of his nobilitie and counsale, for the bettir observatioun of his hienes peace, quietnes and gude ordour in his estate and cuntrey, hes thocht meit, concludit and resolvit that thair sall na generall nor synodoill assembleis nor na ordinair presbitereyis be keipit nor haldin in ony parte within the burgh of Edinburgh in tyme cuming, bot ather within the towne of Mussilburgh, Dalkeith or ony uthir town maist ewest thairto quhairin the commoditie may be best offerrit or necessitie sall require. Dischargeing be thir presentz the personis appointit to represent the saidis assembleis off all convening within the said burgh of Edinburgh to this effect; as alsua the provest and baillies of the same burgh off all sufferring or permitting of thame to assemble heirin at ony tyme heireftir as thay will answer to his hienes upoun thair obediens at thair uttirmost charge and perrell.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 508.
  2. 'a: b:' written in darker ink immediately below the title in the margin.