Act anent the brig of Dalkeith2

Oure soverane lord and estaitis in perliament, for beiting, uphalding and mending of the tua briggis of Dalkeith, the ane bigit upoun South Esk on the south syd of the said toun, and the uther biggit on North Ersk upoun the north syd of the said toun, quhilk briggis ar now almaist decayed, statutis and ordanis that all cariages and burdingis of milnestanes, wyne, tymer and utheris graith passand endlangis the saidis tua briggis with cairtis sall pay to the baillies and counsaill of the said toun of Dalkeith, or thair collectour to be appointit be thame, for repairing, mending and uphalding of thair saidis briggis the taxt and impost following, that is to say: of ilk mylnestane passand endlangis ony ane of the saidis tua briggis, fourtie penneis, and for ilk cartfull laidnit with wyne, tymer or uther geir, aucht penneis money of this realme. And this act to tak beginning the tuentie day of this instant moneth of Junii jM vC fourscoir fourtene yeiris, and to lest and continew for the space of thre yeiris nixt and immediatlie following the said tuentie day of Junii.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.57v.
  2. This appears on f.50v but without the word 'Act' in the title. It is omitted in APS. The differences between this and the first version are merely differences of spelling and the inclusion of 'the' in the first line before 'beiting' in the first version.