Ratificatioun to George Haliburtoun and his wyff

Oure soverane lord, estaitis and haill bodie of this present perliament ratifies and apprevis and for thame and thair successouris perpetuallie confermis all charteris, locationis and dispositionis thairin contenit maid and grantit be umquhile Patrik, archebischoip of Sanctandrois to George Haliburtoun of Ballridie, Mergaret Drumbrek, his spous, the langest levair of thame tua in conjunctfie, thair aris, assignais and successouris quhatsumevir off quhatsumevir pertis or portionis of the town and landis of Kincapill, fewfirmes thairof or of ony pairt of the same toun and landis, superioritie, office of balliarie and jurisdictioun of the saidis landis liand within the regalitie of Sanctandrois and schirefdome of Fiff, with the preceptis and instrumentis of sasing following thairupoun, togider with the charter of confirmatioun contening thairintill ane new gift of the foirnamit landis, fewfirmes and utheris befoir specifiit maid, gevin and grantit be oure said soverane lord to the saidis George Haliburtoun, Mergaret Drumbrek, his spous, and thair foirsaidis in the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir threttene yeiris, past under his hienes greit seill, ratifeand and confirmand the foirsaidis charteris grantit be the said umquhile Patrik, archebischoip of Sanctandrois with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupoun in the haill pointis, heidis, articles, clauses, conditionis and provisionis, circumstances, liberties and privilegeis quhatsumevir mentionat in the foirnamit charteris, preceptis, instrumentis of sasing, charter of confirmatioun abonewrittin or ony ane of thame; and willis and declaris that this generall ratificatioun and approbatioun thairof is and salbe in all tymes cuming of als greit force, strenth and effect to the said George, Mergaret, his spous, and thair foirsaidis as gif the foirnamit haill infeftmentis, chartouris, preceptis, instrumentis of sasing, confirmatioun befoir rehersit, precept and instrument of sasing following thairupoun had bene at lenth word be word ingrossit and insert heirin.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.57r.