Ratificatioun to Maister Peter Young

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of perliament, acknaulegeing and remembering the ernist favour, guidwill and effectioun evirborne to his hienes service be his traist counsallour Maister Peter Young of Seytoun, his hienes maister elemosinar, ane of the lordis of his hienes privie counsall, quha nocht onlie at his hienes desyre tuik severall jornayis from this realme as his hienes ambassadour to the realme of Denmerk, speciallie in the moneth of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sex yeiris and in the moneth of Maii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, in treating and concluding upoun the heidis of his majesties maist honourable meriage with his hienes derrest and weilbelovit spous, Anna, now quene of Scottis, bot alsua upoun the suddante, at his hienes requeist, tuik vayage and accumpaneit his majestie to the realme of Norroway to the solempnizatioun of the said mariage in the moneth of October the yeir of God jM vC lxxxix yeiris, and remaning with his hienes quhill the moneth of December the yeir of God foirsaid that he wes directit with his majestie to returne within this realme for his majesties speciall adois within the samyn. Lyk as the said Maister Peter in the moneth of Aprile last is direct be his majestie with his hienes speciall commissioun as his hienes ambassadour to his hienes derrest bruthair the king of Denmerk and sindrie princes of Germane for treating and concluding of sindrie his hienes effairis, quhair the said Maister Peter is presentlie to his grit charges and expenses. And oure soverane lord, not willing that the said Maister Petir salbe in onywise hurt be ony deid to be done in his hienes present perliament, bot rathair to mak his spous and bairnis suir of all richtis and titill of quhatsumevir landis or pensionis acquirit be him ofbefoir, thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis estaittis, hes allowit and be thair presentis allowis all thingis done be the said Maister Petir as ambassadour for his hienes in his said jornayis, his away passing, attending and accumpanying of his majestie and returning in maner foirsaid as maist acceptable, guid and thankfull service done to his majestie for the weill of his haill realme; and siclyk oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, in pert of recompance of his said service and expenses maid in the saidis weyages, of his certane knawlege, hes ratefeit and approvin and be thair presentis ratefeis and apprevis and for his hienes and his successouris perpetuallie confermis the act maid in his hienes parliament the xxix day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris ratefeand and appreveand certane giftis of pensionis, offices and feis thairin mentionat grantit to the said Maister Petir Young, his spous and bairnis and assignais respective thairin contenit, togidder with the infeftmentis, charteris, preceptis and instrumentis of seasing grantit to the said Maister Peter, his spous and thair airis thairin contenit of the landis of Eister Seytoun and schadow half of Dykmontlaw, with the pertis, pendiclis and pertinentis thairof lyand within the schirefdome of Forfar and of all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun, togidder also with the gift of pensioun grantit be his hienes to the said Maister Peter of the males, fermes, proffittis and dewties of the landis of Wester Seytoun occupeit be Williame Auchterlonie and synnehalf of Dykmontlaw occupeit be Andro Annand, all lyand within the lordschip of Abirbrothok and schirefdome foirsaid, togidder with his hienes promeis maid to the said Mr Petir for warrandice of the saidis giftis, infeftmentis and uthairis foirsaidis and with all decreittis gevin conforme thairto; quhilkis infeftmentis, act of perliament, giftis of pensioun, offices, promises, decreittis and uthairis foirsaidis and all that hes followit thairupoun in all heidis, clauses and circumstances of the samyn, oure said soverane lord and his estaittis foirsaidis, of certane knawlege, ratefeis, apprevis and confirmis for his hienes and his successouris in tyme cuming, and findis and declairis that all and sindrie the saidis infeftmentis, giftis of pensioun, offices and feis contenit thairin, act of perliament ratefeand the samyn and uthairis respective foirsaidis maid and gevin in maner foirsaid ar maid for just and ressounable causes tending to the weill of oure soverane lord, his realme and legis, and thairfoir decernis and ordanis the samyn to stand in full force, strenth and effect in all tymes cuming, and declairis that the samyn, nor nane of thame, fallis nor sall fall under quhatsumevir his hienes revocationis maid in this present perliament or at ony tyme preceding the dait heirof. And als oure said soverane lord and his estaittis foirsaidis decernis, statutis and ordanis that the act maid in favouris of the ministrie the fourtene day of Februar the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris sall nawise tueich nor be hurtfull to the said Maister Peter nor his foirsaidis nor be prejudiciall to thair rytis and titlis of thair pensionis above specifiit and deuties thairin contenit, bot the samyn to stand in the awin strenth, force and effect als largelie as gif the saidis richtis had bene maid and grantit be oure soverane lord efter his perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit; and declairis the samyn nawise to cum under the said act, and ordanis the said Maister Peter and his foirsaidis to be answerit and obeyit thairof conforme to thair saidis giftis, notwithstanding the said act. And for his hienes saidis counsallouris, thair better securitie of2 premises, oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, hes of new grantit and disponit to his saidis counsallouris the foirsaidis haill richtis respective abonementionat and ordanis the samyn to be renewit in the maist ample forme. And forder declairis, statutis and ordanis that na act nor statute maid in this present parliament sall hurt or be prejudiciall to the said Maister Petir, his spous and bairnis in ony of thair richtis foirsaidis or ony uthair rycht that thai have to ony landis, pensionis or possessionis, bot thay sall bruik the samyn frelie conforme to thair richtis notwithstanding ony act maid heirtofoir in thair prejudice.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.53v-54r.
  2. APS reads 'securitie of the ...'.