Ratificatioun of the bruche in barronie of Turreff

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and for his hienes and his successouris perpetuallie confermis the charter and infeftment grantit be umquhile James the ferd of guid memorie, under his hienes greit seill, anent the erectioun and creatioun of the toun and landis of Turreff, with the pertinentis, liand within the schirefdome of Abirdene in ane frie burgh of baronie, with all privilegeis, liberties and immunities of frie burgeses, frie craftis, frie fares, oulklie mercat, bying and selling within the samyn mentionat in the said charter, togidder with all and sindre pointis, articles and clauses specifiit in the said charter, as the samyn of the dait the tent day of Merche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeris beris; saulffand alwayes to oure soverane lord and his successouris service of burgh of baronie aucht and wont to his hienes and his predicessouris ofbefoir this present confirmatioun allanerlie. Attour oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis, be the tennour heirof, will and grantis and for his hienes and his successouris decernis and ordanis that this present confirmatioun is now and salbe in all tymes cuming off als greit force, strenth and effect as gif the foirnamit charter and infeftment wer word be word ingrossit in this present act; anent the quhilk and all defaltis and defectionis quhilkis may follow thairupoun oure soverane lord for his hienes and his foirsaidis dispenses for evir, [and ordanis ane act to be maid heirupoun in forme as efferis].2

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.51v-52r.
  2. This is written in square brackets in the mss.