Act in favour of Robert Abircrummy

Oure soverane lord, having consideratioun of the guid, trew and lang service done to his majestie sen his coronatioun be his lovit servitour Robert Abircrummy, his maister saidlair, alsueill in furnessing of stuff and faschioun baith befoir the deceis of his hienes traist cousing Williame, erll of Gowrie, exceding the sowme of fyve thowsand pundis, as also sensyn at the command of Schir Robert Melvill, thesaurer depute, abone the sowme of ten thousand merkis, as the compt beris. In the quhilk doing not onlie the said Robert bestowit his haill substance, but alsua hes contractit greit debtis for the quhilk he hes pait yeirlie proffite, quhairoff his hienes, willing to recompance the said Robert in ane pert, in the perliament maid in the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Robert and to umquhile Maister Johnne, Isaac, Robert, Richert and Jherome Abircrummyes, his sonnes, and to ilk ane of thame respective for thair awin pertis, the tuell monkis portionis undirwrittin furth of the abbacie of Couper, quhairoff the said Johnne had four, the said Isaac had tua, and everie ane of the uthair thre sonnes tua portionis disponit to thame be oure soverane lord, viz: to the said Robert Abircrummy, younger, the portionis of umquhile deane Thomas Hammiltoun, priour dene Williame Baxter, subpriour deane Johnne Donaldsoun and deane James Mastertoun; to the said Richerd Abircrummy, the portionis of deane Piter Trent, dene Johnne Lawsoun, dene Alexander and dene Adame Andersonis; and to the said Jerome Abircrummy, the portionis of umquhile dene Andro McAchane, dene Robert Drysdaill, dene Thomas Dron and dene Andro Moncur, as at mer lenth is contenit in the gift maid thairupoun; quhairupoun alsua the saidis personis hes obtenit decreit of the lordis of sessioun for answerring and obeying of thame of the fruittis, rentis, dewties and proffittis pertening to the saidis monkis during thair lyftymes. Thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the estaitis of this present perliament, ratifies and apprevis the foirsaid gift and dispositioun maid and gevin be his hienes to the saidis Robert Abircrummy, Richert and Jherome Abircrummies in all pointis, articles and clauses thairof, and willis and declaris that the same sall stand for ane perpetuall securitie to the saidis personis and to the said Robert as factour and administratour to thame during thair lyftymes, and the langest levair of thame, sua that incace ony of thame deceis, his pert and pertioun sall accres to his brether equallie to be devydit amongis thame, sua lang as ony of thame salbe on lyff; renunceand all actioun that his majestie hes or may haif for impunging of ony pert of the said gift or validitie thairof, and dischargis his hienes thesaurer and advocat off all persewing, trubling or molesting of the saidis personis in the peceable posesioun, bruiking and uplifting of the saidis monkis portionis be the saidis personis during thair lyftymes.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.49v.