Act in favour of Johnne Achesoun

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, considdering that umquhile Johnne Achesoun, maister cunyeour to his hienes, contractit dyvers greit debtis and became cautioner to sindre personis for his hienes effayres at the instant request of umquhile Williame, erll of Gowrie, thesaurair to his majestie for the tyme, and that the said Johnne hes obtenit dyvers decreittis befoir the lordis of sessioun aganis Johnne, now erll of Gowrie, and his umquhile father for releif of dyvers and sindre decreittis obtenit aganis the said Johnne as air to his said umquhile father for the saidis debtis, quhairof the executioun is supersedit be the kingis majestie and lordis of sessioun for the space of fyve yeiris for certane causes contenit in the said supersedere; thairfoir oure said soverane lord and estatis foirsaidis, finding that nather resone, equitie nor guid conscience wald that the said Johnne suld be alluterlie wrakit for his hienes debtis contractit throu the occasioun foirsaid, hes in likemaner supersedit and supersedis the executioun of all sentencis and decreittis recoverit and obtenit at the instance of quhatsumevir creditouris aganis the said Johnne as sone and air foirsaid for the caus abone exprimit, and dischargis all creditouris of persewing of the said Johnne for the same or putting of the saidis decreittis alreddie recoverit to executioun aganis him for the space of ane yeir efter the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.49r.