Act in favour of Johnne Andro

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis of this present perliament, ratifies and apprevis the gift and dispositioun maid be his hienes to his daly servitour Johnne Andro, writter, off ane yeirlie pensioun of tua hundreth markis and assignit to be pait out of the reddiest of the silver males and fischingis of the abbacie of Kinloss in all and sindre pointis, articles and clauses expressit thairin. And als for the said Johnnes farder securitie, off new gevis, grantis and disponis the same pensioun to him during the said space, decerning and declaring be thir presentis that the samyn gift is and salbe guid and effectuall to him, and that he, be vertew thairof, sall bruik and uptak the said pensioun of all yeris and termes bygane restand awand unpayit, and siclyk yeirlie and termelie in tyme cuming during all the dayis of his lyftyme, notwithstanding the act of secreit counsall maid in the moneth of Februar the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeris, ratificatioun thairof in perliament or ony utheris actis of perliament, secreit counsaill, sessioun or chekker maid at ony tyme befoir or sensyne; quhilkis actis his hienes and his saidis estatis decernis and declaris is not nor sall not be extendit to the hurt, prejudice or annulling of the gift foirsaid; nather is nor sall the samyn be extendit nor interpreit to the prejudice thairof in ony point, nor yit is the said gift of that nature as be the foirsaidis actis or ony of thame may be callit in doubt or questioun or utherwayis annullit or dischargeit be ony maner of way.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.48v-49r.