Act in favour of the Laird of Maw

Forsamekle as it is meanit to oure soverane lord and his estaitis of this present perliament be Alexander Gaw of Maw that the inhabitantis and community of the town of Culros hes laitlie purchest ane infeftment of oure soverane lord erectand the said town of Culros in ane frie burgh regall and disponand to the inhabitantis thairof the said burgh and commoun mure of the same within certane boundis, meithis and merchis, within the quhilkis thair ar contenit and comprehendit the landis, tenementis, perkis and utheris efterspecifiit pertening to the said Alexander Gaw of Maw heretablie and wer sett in fewferme to his predicessouris and him selff respective be the commendater and convent of Culros for the tyme deulie and lauchtfullie confermit, off the quhilkis the said Alexander and his predicessouris ar and hes bene in peceable possessioun without ony contradictioun; thay ar to say the landis of Eschis, extending to ane pleuch of land and aker of land in Nather Gogie, thre akaris of land callit the Bawcroft and four akaris of land beside the Barchappell, the sisternis or park, ane hous abone the over port, with the greynis at south and north partis thairof, the ground of the auld tolbuith, tua houses and yardis and tua salt pannis in the town of Culros; quhilk infeftment grantit to the said communitie of Culros is confirmit in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh the fyft day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuell yeris, with ane speciall provisioun that the said ratificatioun suld not be hurtfull to Robert Bruce of Blairhall, Walter Callender of Bordy and Johnne Colvill, sone lauchtfull to Alexander, commendater of Culros. And seing the said Alexander Gaw of Maw hes als greit entres as ony of the foirsaidis perticuler personis, it is maist ressonable that declaratioun suld be maid in his favour that the ratificatioun foirsaid suld nawyis hurt or prejuge him, his aris or successouris, thairfoir oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis of this present perliament decernis and declaris that the infeftment gevin to the comunitie of the said burgh of Culros and confirmatioun and ratificatioun thairof sall onnawyis hurt nor prejuge the said Alexander Gaw of Maw, his aris nor successouris in thair richtes, titles and possessioun of the foirsaidis landis, mures, akaris, tenementis and utheris abone mentionat, and that this present declaratioun salbe als sufficient as gif the samyn wer insert in the said infeftment grantit to the said communitie of Culros and confirmatioun thairof in perliament as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.48r.