Anent the fair of Baithcatt

Oure soverane lord and estatis of this present parliament, understanding that the schirefdome of Bathcat is and hes bene of auld ane schirefdome within the selff and is ane patent pert of the cuntrie quhair oppin faires wer verey meit and apt to be haldin yeirlie, quhilk weld tend to the greit weill of the haill cuntrie and inhabitantis of this realme, and in speciall for furnessing of guidis to his hienes hous and to the burgh of Edinburgh quhair commoun repair is of ane greit pert of the leigis of this realme, alsueill for thair perticular as commoun affayres, thairfoir his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis gevis and grantis full power and libertie to Robert Hammiltoun of Bathcatt to proclame, hald and continew tua severall fair dayis yeirlie to be haldin within the town and upoun the croftis of Bathcat, the ane thairof to be haldin upoun the fourt day of August and the uther to be haldin upoun the xxj day of October yeirlie in tyme cuming. And to this effect, grantis thairunto all liberties, commodities and casualities as belangis to ony siclyk frie fair within this realme, provyding alwayes that the same fairis be nether haldin upoun the Sabboth day nor upoun ony day grantit to the heid burgh of the schire ofbefoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.46v.