Act in favour of the citie of Glasgow

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present perliament, understanding be supplicatioun gevin in to thame ofbefoir2 the inhabitantis, fremen, induellaris abone the Gray Freir Wynd of the citie of Glasgw anent the establisching of ane mercat at the wynd heid thairof, for the support and releif of thame, thair wyffis, famelies and barnis and uphalding of thair houses and landis, the samyn being the maist commodious and cheif pairt of the said citie for recept of his hienes and his court quhen occasioun offeris of thair repairing in the cuntrie, now altogidder becum rwinous and almaist decayed be ressone of the removing of the clergie sen the reformatioun of religioun that sustenit and upheld the samyn ofbefoir; and als the haill mercattis aucht not to be placit at ane port of the said citie, bot suld be sett at dyvers partis thairof for the commoun commoditie of the haill inhabitants thairof, sen at all occasionis of stentis, taxationis and utheris impositionis thay beir equall burding, commissoun wes gevin and grantit to umquhile Robert, lord Boyid, Walter, prior of Blantire, the provest and baillies of the said citie, for the maist pert thairof, for establischingof the beir marcat or salt mercat above the wynd heid, quha thaireftir placit the salt mercat thair, quhilk was altogidder incommodious be reasone the same wes far distant fra the brig and watter of the said citie quhair the salt is maist usit, and put the merchandis and fischeris quha bocht the same to greit expenses of cariage and transporting thairof fra the said wynd heid to the brig be the space of ane myle and mair. Lyk as the sellaris of the salt upoun that occasioun removit thame selffis to the auld place narrer the said brig quhair the same wes sauld of befoir, and the saidis commissionerris wer myndit to have placit the beir and malt mercat above the said wynd heid in place of the said salt mercat gif, be deceis of the said umquhile Robert, lord Boyd, the said commissioun had nocht expyrit. For remeid quhair of, oure said soverane lord, with avise of his saidis estaitis, be thir presentis gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to his trustie counsellour Walter, priour of Blantire, lord privie seill, Robert Boyd of Badinhaith, David Foirsyth of Dykis, the ordiner ministeris of Glasgw, the provest and ballies thairof, or the maist pert of thame, to raise and lift the beir and malt mercat and establische the same abone the wynd heid of the said citie to the effect abonewrittin at ony pairt or place thairof maist commodious as thai sall think expedient, and to remove the said salt mercat to the auld statioun quhair it stude for the commoun benefite of the haill inhabitantis, and generallie all and sindrie uther thingis to do that to the executioun of this present commissioun apertenis, ferme and stable etc.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.46r-46v.
  2. APS reads, 'to thame ofbefoir be ...'.