Act in favour of the provest of Lincluden, collectour

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, understanding that the gift, assignatioun and dispositioun of the superplus of the thrid of the priorie of Quhithorne maid be his hienes to his trustie and weilbelovit counsellour Maister Robert Douglais, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, wes grant to him for maist just and ressounable causes, viz: for payment of his superexpenses restand awand to him at the fute of his comptis of the collectorie and thesaurarie of augmentationis, extending to the sowme of aucht thowsand tuentie pundis tuell schillingis vij d., quhilk restis cheiflie upoun his furnessing maid for the provisioun of his hienes hous, as the samyn at mair lenth beris; thairfoir his hienes and estatis ratifies and apprevis the said gift, assignatioun and dispositioun of the superplus of the said thrid of the priorie of Quhithorne in all the pointis, articles, clauses, conditionis and provisionis thairin contenit, and declaris the same not to be comprehendit under the act maid in the moneth of Februar jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris and ratifiet thaireftir in parliament anent the annulling of all giftes of the thriddis, in respect the same is maid for his hienes furnessing, quhilk is ane of the endis mentionat in the said act quhair to the saidis thriddis ar destinat and appointit, bot to be ane guid, sufficient and valiable title and richt to the said Maister Robert, his aris and assignais for bruiking and joysing of the said superplus in all respectis efter the forme and tennour thairoff. And seing his entrie in and to the said superplus is confirrit to sic tyme as the said Maister Robert ceises to be collectour generall of the saidis thriddis be his deceis or utherwyis, in respect the samyn is assignit to him for his ordinar fie of the collectorie yeirlie; lyk as alsua he hes avancit and debursit sen the making of his last comptis of the collectorie and thesaurarie of augmentationis, and is dalie burdynnit and chargit with the avancement of greit sowmes of money to his hienes and furnessing of his hous, quhilkis makis the said supexpenses dalie to grow and increse, thairfoir his hienes and estaitis ratifies and apprevis the said assignatioun of the surperplus foirsaid to him be the lordis auditouris of the chekker for the yeirlie payment of his fie of the said office of collectorie of all yeris and termes bygane sen the dait thairof and siclyk yeirlie in tyme cuming during his continwance in the said office of collectorie; ordaning the lordis auditoris of the same to allow the same yeirlie to him in his fie for samekle and according to the samyn prices as wes allowit to him in his last compt of the thriddis, and declaring the said assignatioun of the said superplus for his yeirlie fie during his said office nawyis to be prejudiciall or to mak ony dirogatioun to the said gift and dispositioun of the said superplus maid and grantit to him, his aris and assignais in satisfactioun and payment of his superexpenses foirsaidis; bot the gift to be valide, sufficient and effectuall in the self to him, his aris and assignais, notwithstanding of the suspensioun of the entrie thairto quhill the seassing of his said office in maner abonespecifiit, as gif he had apprehendit reall and actuall possessioun of the said superplus be vertew of the said gift, at the day and dait heirof. Attour his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Maister Robert, his aris and assignais the said superplus of the thrid of the money and wictuall of the said priorie of Quhithorne, extending to the quantitie aboverehersit, not onlie in payment and satisfactioun of his said superexpenses extending to the sowme of aucht thousand tuentie pundis xij s. vij d. foirsaid, quhilkis ar fund restand awand to him at the fute of his said last compt as said is, bot also in payment and satisfactioun of all and quhatsoevir uther sowmes of money quhairin he salhappin to be fund superexpendit in ony tyme cuming in his saidis comptis of his saidis offices of collectorie of the thriddis and thesaurarie of new augmentationis, sua that the said Maister Robert, his aris and assignais sall peceablie bruik, joyse, uplift and intromett with the said superplus, baith money and wictuallis thairof, off all yeiris and termes following his entrie foirsaid in and to the said gift ay and quhill he and thai be compleitlie satisfiit and payit off all and quhatsumevir sowmes of money quhilkis salhappin to be restand awand to him at the fute of his saidis comptis of the collectorie and thesaurarie foirsaid, provyding alwayes that the same be not allowit to him in payment of his said superexpenses quhill he cease to be collectour generall be deceis or utherwayes in maner specifiit in the said former gift.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.45r-45v.