Act in favour of the new college of Sanctandrois

Oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament hes ratifiet and apprevit and be the tennour heirof ratifies and apprevis the act maid ofbefoir in the parliament maid at Edinburgh upoun the xxix day of Julii 1587 in favouris of the new college of Sanctandrois, confirming the privilegeis and immunities grantit to the said college, with the giftes of prebendaries, commonis, chaiplanries, annuelrentis, males and utheris dewties annexit and belanging thairto, quhairin alsua it wes statute and ordanit that the said college suld be frie in all tymes cuming fra payment of ony minister or reidaris stipend serving at the kirkis thairof, as the said act contening certane uther clauses mair amplie beris; and ordanis that this present ratificatioun is and salbe als effectuall as the said foirsaid act and haill contentis thairof wer word be word insert and ingrossit heirintill; and siclyk statutis and ordanis that the haill rentis, fruittis, commodities, emolumentis and dewties belanging to the said new college sall be frie of all impostis, taxationis, stentis and all uther kynd of burdingis quhatsumevir in all tymes cuming, sua that the haill rentis and emolumentis of the said new college halelie may be imbrocht to the onlie use of the said new college for the professing of theologie, for the quhilk effect annullis and dischargis be thir presentis all and sindre giftes, richtis and titillis gevin or to be gevin to ony persoun or personis of quhatsumevir prebendaries, chaiplanries, alterages or utheris rentis belanging and annexit to the said college in hurt and prejudice of the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.44v.