Act in favour of the Bischoip of Abirdene

Forsamekle as in the parliament haldin in the moneth of Julii jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris it wes statute and ordanit that the prelattis within this realme suld not be hurt nor prejugeit in the yeirlie rent and commodities of thair benefices induring thair lyftymes, notwithstanding of the annexatioun of thair temporall landis to his hienes crown, according to the quhilk, and for satisfactioun and recompense of the temporalitie of the bischoiprik of Abirdene, his hienes gaif and disponit to David, now bischoip thairof, the soum of four hundreth pundis usuall money of this realme, with speciall immunities and privilegis contenit thairin, as the saidis lettres and gift maid and grantit to him under the privie seill thairupoun at mair lenth proportis; quhilkis lettres of gift his hienes, with advise of the estatis of this realme in the perliament haldin the xxj day of Julii lastbypast, not onlie ratifiet and confirmit in all the heidis, articles, poyntis and clauses thairin contenit, bot lykwyis decernit and declarit that all takis and pensionis gevin furth of the said bischoiprie to quhatsumevir persoun or personis quhilkis than vaikit or sall happin to vaik be ony maner of way induring his lyftyme suld accress and pertene to him selff, and siclyk gaif full power and commissioun to him to ressave the frie tennentis, fewaris and wassellis of the said bischoiprie in the richt, title and place of thair predicessouris, and to mak, grant and deliver to thame sufficient charteris and infeftmentis under his awin seill and subscriptioun. Quhilkis infeftmentis sua to be maid his hienes, with avise foirsaid, decernit and declarit to be als valide and sufficient as gif the same had bene grantit be his majestis selff under his hienes greit seill, as the saidis lettres of gift and act of perliament respective contenand dyvers and sundre uther heidis, clauses and conditionis at lenth beris and proportis. Quhilkis lettres of gift and act of perliament for the causes thairin contenit, and for divers and sindre uther guid causes and considerationis moving his hienes and the saidis estaitis, ratifies, apprevis and for his hienes and his successouris perpetuallie confermis in all heidis, pointis, articles, clauses, circuumstances, immunities, privilegiis specifiit and contenit thairin efter the forme and tennour of the same in all pointis, decernis and declaris the samyn to have bene fra the beginning and siclyk to be in all tyme cuming gude, valide, effectuall and sufficient richtis, titillis and securities alsueill to the said David, bischoip of Abirdene during all the dayis of his lyftyme as to the tennentis and vassellis of the said bischoiprie, notwithstanding quhatsumevir act maid in this present perliament or at ony tyme heirtofoir, quhilk onywayis salbe hurtfull, prejudiciall or mak dirogatioun to the foirsaid act of parliament nor ony provisioun thairin contenit in ony maner of way in tyme cuming; and ordanis the said act of perliament (gif neid beis) to be insert and ingrossit heirin word be word.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.44r-44v.