That the temporall landis annexit to the croun sall remane therwith, and that thai salbe retourit2

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament declaris and ordanis that all few landis annexit to his majesties croun be the act of annexatioun remane with his majestie and croun in all tyme heireftir, and that all few landis annexit or uther few landis quhatsumevir within this realme be retourit and avalit to mark or pund landis, that his majestie may knaw the awner thairof; and being retourit, that quhen it salhappin ony impost or taxatioun to be raisit, that the saidis fewaris salbe chargit according to thair retoure.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.43r.
  2. This is preceded in the mss by another title, 'Anent the retouring of few landis', crossed out, with the second title written in the same hand as that of the amended title for the preceding act.