Prelattis and utheris beneficit personis suld haif releif of thair taxatioun2

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, for the better explaning of the releif grantit to prelattis3 ministeris provydit to personages and vicarages, vicaris and utheris beneficit men be the act maid be the estaitis laitlie convenit upoun the taxatioun of ane hundreth thowsand pundis grantit be thame for the defray of the honorable chargis of the princes baptisme, findis and declaris that thay and everie ane of thame salhave thair just releif pro rata of thair pairt of this present taxatioun upoun the fewaris, wassellis, pensionaris and takismen of teyndis of thair severall benefices.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.43r.
  2. This title is preceded in the mss by 'Anent releif of the', crossed out, with the rest of the title written in a different hand.
  3. APS reads 'prelattis and ...'.