Act in favour of the ministrie of Glasgow

Oure soverane lord, having consideratioun how that thair wes divers rentis and commodities dotat to certane chaplanis and preistis for giving in the new kirk of the college of Glasgow, and efter alteratioun of the religioun, thair being ane gift and dispositioun of the said chaplanries, rentis and emolumentis of the said college kirk to the provest, baillies, counsaill and comunitie of Glasgw, makand and constituand thame patronis of the samyn, to the effect that the samyn micht be imployit owther in hospitalitie or uther uses of pietie, and the saidis provest and baillies and counsell, for avanceing of guid literature within this realme, dotit the samyn to certane bursaris foundit within the said college to be haldin at the scuill thairinto, and that of the purest of the toun quha utherwayes had not the moyen to remane at the scoillis; and nevirtheless, sic hes bene the abuse in tymes bygane that the richest menis sonnes of the said toun hes bene sustenit upoun the rent of the saidis chaiplanries and fundatioun nor thai for quhome the samyn wes appointit, and the saidis provest, baillies and counsaill willing to tak away the said abuse and to employ the fruittis and rentis of the said chaiplanries to better use, hes alterit and changeit thair former fundatioun of interteyneing of bursaris thairupoun, and hes deducit the haill rentis and fruittis thairof for sustentatioun of the ministrie within the said citie; thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis of this present perliament, hes ratifiit and apprevit this last fundatioun and dispositioun maid be the saidis provest, baillies, counsaill and comunitie of the toun of Glasgow off the fruittis, rentis, proventis, emolumentis and dewties of the saidis chaiplanries appointit of auld for sustening of certane chaiplanis or preistis for thair service in the said college kirk of Glasgow, to the sustentatioun of the said ministrie within the said citie of Glasgw; and ordanis the same to have effect in all tyme cuming; and suppressis all utheris fundationis and dispositionis of the saidis chaiplanries, rentis, fruittis and dewties thairof ather for suffering of the saidis chaiplanries or preistis, or for sustening of the saidis bursaris, ordanis the same to ceis in all tyme cuming, and ordanis the said fundatioun thairof to the sustentatioun of the ministrie to have place in all tyme heirefter.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.41v-42r.