For consideratioun of articles to be proponit in parliament

Oure soverane lord and his estaitis in this present parliament, having consideratioun of the greit faischerie and inconvenience at sindrie perliamentis throu presenting of a confusit multitude of doubtfull and informall articles and supplicationis, for remeid quhairof in tyme cuming, statutis and ordanis that quhen evir the perliament is appointit and ordanit to be proclamit, thair sall ane conventioun be appointit of four of everie estait to meit xx dayes befoir the perliament to ressave all maner of articles and supplicationis concerning generall lawes or tuiching perticuler pertiis; quhilkis articles and supplicationis salbe delyverit to the clerk of registerie and be him presentit to the personis of the estaitis to be considerit be thame, to the effect that thingis ressonable and necessarie may be formallie maid and presentit in a buik to the lordis of articles in the perliament tyme, and all impertinent, frivolous and impropre materis rejectit, and that na article or supplicatioun wantand a speciall title or unsubscryvit be the presentar salbe red or answerit in that conventioun or perliament following the same. It is alwayes provydit that his majestie may present sic articles as he thinkis guide concerning him self or the commoun weill of the realme at all tymes quhen he thinkis expedient.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.37v.