Generall dissolutioun of the propirtie

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in this present perliament, statutis and ordanis that it salbe lesum to his hienes to sett all his auld propre landis, baith annexit and unannexit, in fewferme, sua that it be not in diminutioun of his rentall, gressumes or uther dewties bot in augmentatioun of the samyn, with sic clauses and condicionis as he thinkis expedient, to the effect foirsaid; and that the landis that he settis in his tyme stand perpetuallie to the airis efter the forme of thair condicioun; and that this dissolutioun indure for the lyvetyme of the king, oure soverane lord that now is, allanerlie, sua that the landis quhilkis he settis in his tyme with the condicionis foirsaidis sall stand perpetuallie; and efter his deceis, the annexationis maid ofbefoir to returne agane to the awin nature, sua that his successoris sall not have power to annalie nor sett in few mair nor thay had befoir the making of this statute, provyding that this statute sall not extend to the setting in fewferme of ony of oure soverane lordis castellis, palices, yardis, woddis, parkis, forrestis, pastures for scheip and nolt, and in speciall the Lowmondis of Falkland, coilheuchis and offices, bot the same to remane inseparablie annext to the crown nochtwithstanding this present dissolutioun. And oure soverane lord and his estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declaris that this present dissolutioun is and salbe onlie to this effect: that the saidis annext landis salbe sett in few to the ancient and kyndlie tennentis, possessouris and occupearis of the ground quha wer infeft be oure soverane lord and his predicessouris ofbefoir, and to all utheris personis quhilkis hes heretable infeftment of fewferme grantit to thame be oure soverane lord or ony of his predicessouris, thai seikand thair infeftmentis of fewferme and payand thair compositionis thairfoir to be modifiit be his hienes comptroller, with avise of Johnne, lord Thirlestane, chancellair, Johnne, erll of Mar, lord Erskin, Johnne, erll of Montrois, lord Grahame, Alexander, lord Levingstoun, Robert, lord Seytoun, Mark, lord of Newbotle, maister of requestes, Maister Thomas Lyoun of Baldukie, thesaurair, Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormeistoun, knicht, justice clerk, Walter, commendater of Blantyre, kepair of the privie seill, Maister Robert Dowglas, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Schir Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, knicht, Maister David Carnegie of Culluthie, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet, clerk of register, Alexander Hume of Northberuik Manys, provest of Edinburgh (or ony sevin of thame, the said comptroller being alwayes ane), betuix and the first day of August jM vC fourscoir and fyftene yeiris; utherwayes that it be lauchtfull to his majestie to sett the saidis annext landis now dissolvit to quhatsumevir personis his hienes thinkis expedient, alwayes on condicioun of augmentatioun of his hienes rentale as said is. And alsua ordanis this present act of dissolutioun to be extendit in favour of the quenis majestie, to have sic richtis and infeftmentis of quhatsumevir landis pertening to hir as scho had befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.34v-35r.