Anent fraudfull dispositionis maid be personis foirfaltit

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, understanding that divers personis quha hes committit the cryme of tressone and lesemajestie in defraud of his hienes and his donatouris hes maid dyvers bandis, obligationis, lettres of takis, assignationis, giftes of pensionis, lettres of factorie and divers utheris giftes and dispositionis as gif the same had bene maid and grantit be thame betuix2 the cryme of tressone attemptit be the saidis personis foirfaltit, for remeid quhairof, it is statute and ordanit that na lettrez of pensioun, factorie, bandis, obligationis or assignationis maid or grantit be ony persoun foirfaltit salbe valide, effectuall, sufficient nor gif ony actioun without the samyn be ether lauchtfullie confermit be his majestie or auctorizit be ane decreit of the ordiner juge obtenit befoir the saidis personis foirfaltit wer first summonit and challengit for the crymes of tressone for the quhilkis thai wer foirfaltit, notwithstanding quhatsumevir confirmatioun or decreit obtenit and following thairupoun sen thair said first citatioun upoun the crymes of tressone laid to thair charge. And in speciall oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in this present parliament, statutis, decernis and declaris quhatsumevir contract, obligatioun or dispositioun of landis, guides and geir onywayis maid be Williame, sumtyme erll of Angus, George, sumtyme erll of Huntlie, Frances, erll of Errole and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, personis foirfaltit in this present perliament, in prejudice of his hienes and his donatouris sen the saidis personis foirfaltit wer first summonit to heir and sie thame foirfaltit, to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.34r-34v.
  2. APS changes this to '[befoir]'.