For releif of thame quhais landis ar or sall be designit for manses and gleibis to ministeris

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, understanding thair ar sindrie fewaris and possessouris having kirklandis neir adjacent to the kirk quhair thair hes bene na mansis nor gleibis of auld, nor yit designit of new, and considdering [that it wer baith against reasone and gude conscience]2 that thair suld be ane gleib designit onlie of the saidis kirklandis that pertenis to ane feuar and possessour and nocht of the rest, and speciallie quhair the haill landis within the parochin or ane greit pert of the saidis landis ar alyk haldin of the kirk and payis the like dewtie, thairfoir, to the effect that the ministeris may be the better answerit of thair manses and gleibis in tyme cuming and enter thairto but ony truble or contentioun, conforme to the former act of parliament maid anent manses and gleibis of the ministeris, statutis and ordanis that quhair designatioun of manse and gleibis beis maid and tane of kirkland (the haill parochin or ane greit pert thairof being kirkland, and the minister notwithstanding designit to the kirkland maist ewest and adjacent to the kirk), that the fewares, possessouris and takismen out of quhais landis the manses or gleibis ar designit salhave thair releif of the remanent parochineris quha ar fewaris, possessouris and takismen of kirklandis liand within the said parochin pro rata.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.34r.
  2. APS interpolation, taken from the contemporary printed collection of acts, Sir John Skene, Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First and his successors Kings of Scotland - The XIII Parliament, halden at Edinburgh, the aucht daie of Junij, the yeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, foure score fourtene yeirs (Edinburgh, 1597), p.148.