For the better observing of the Sabboth day

Item, oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis the actis maid be his hienes ofbefoir anent the dischargeing of halding of mercattis on the Sabboth day with this additioun: that quhasoevir prophanis the Sabboth day be selling or presenting and offering to be sauld upoun the said day ony guidis or geir or quhatsumevir uther merchandise, be thame selffis or ony uther in thair name, and beis thre severall tymes lauchtfullie convict thairof, ather befoir the provest and baillies within burgh quhair the prophanatioun salhappin to be committit, or befoir certane commissionerris and justices in everie presbiterie to be appointit be the kingis majestie, with avise of his privie counsell, thair haill guidis and geir salbe escheatit to his hienes use and thair personis punist at the will of his majestie, with avise of his secreit counsell.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.33v.