Declaratioun anent the annexatioun of Kelso and Coldinghame

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estattis of perliament hes ratefeit and apprevit and be the tennour heirof ratefeis and apprevis the annexatioun of the temporalitie of the abbaceis of Kelso and Coldinghame to the croun in the perliament haldin at Edinburgh, the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC lxxx[...] yeiris efter the forme and tennour of the generall annexatioun of the ecclesiasticall landis quhilkis wer annexit to the croun in the perliament haldin at Edinburgh upoun the xxix day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, as oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of new annexis the said temporalitie of the foirsaidis abbacies of Coldinghame and Kelso to the croun with the limitationis, provisionis and conditionis contenit in the said generall annexatioun quhilkis ar conceavit in favour of the vassellis, frie tennentis and few fermoraris of the landis pertening to the saidis abbais, quhilkis provisionis, conditionis and limitationis and everie ane of tham ar repetit in this present act. And oure soverane lord and his said thrie estaitis hes decernit and declairit and be the tennour heirof decernis and declairis that the heritablle tennentis, vassallis and fewaris of the temporall landis of the saidis abbais of Coldinghame and Kelso hes bene in all tyme bipast, sence the annexatioun of the temporalitie thairof, ar now presentlie and salbe in all tyme cuming immediat tennentis and vassallis to oure said soverane lord and his successouris and haldin and sall held of thame and of nane uthairis. And farder, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis hes declairit and declairis be thair presentis that the foirsaid annexatioun of the temporall landis of the saidis tua abbaceis of Kelso and Coldinghame dependis not frome the proceses of forfaltour led aganis Frances, sumtyme Erll Bothuill and commendater of the saidis abbaceis of Coldinghame and Kelso, nor yit upone the act and ordinace of perliament be the quhilk his bairnis and posteritie war declairit to be unhable to bruik ony landis or benefice within this realme, bot that the said annexatioun proceidis allanerlie fra oure said soverane lordis authoritie, with the avys of the saidis thrie estaittis of this realme, and upone the samyn fundament of the first generall annexatioun of the ecclesiasticall landis to the croun.2

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.32r.
  2. The verso of this folio is blank and three further blank folios follow. The next folio with text is, however, is numbered f.33.