Judicial proceeding: forfeiture ratification
Ratificatioun of the forfaltour of Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the proces, sentence and dome of forfaltour led, deducit and pronuncit be his hienes and estaitis in parliament haldin at Edinburgh the fyft day of Junii jM vC lxxxxij yeiris aganis Dame Margaret Douglas, countes of Bothuill, James Douglas of Spott, Archibald Wauchop, younger, of Nudrie, Maister Johnne Colvill of Strarudie and uthairis personis contenit in thair proces of forfaltrie aganis quhome dome is pronuncit thairintill. And siclyk oure said soverane lord and his estaitis ratefeis and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successoris, perpetuallie confermis the uthair proces, sentence and dome of forfaltour led and deducit judiciallie aganis Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill ratefeit and apprevit in the said perliament haldin the said fyft day of Junii 1592, with the act of disherising of thair posteritie maid at the said perliament, togidder with the proces, sentence and dome of forfaltour led, deducit and pronuncit be his hienes and estaitis in the perliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxj day of Julii 1593 aganis the said Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, with all conditionis, clauses and circumstances thairof. And oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis statutis and ordanis all the saidis proceses, sentences and dome of forfaltour and act aganis the posteritie to stand in full strenth, force and effect and to haif dew executioun in all tyme cuming, and the clerk of register and his deputtis to registrat the samyn.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.32r.