2Act in favour of the Erll Merschell anent the heavin of Piterheid

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, remembring that the toun and heavin of Piterheid wes erectit in ane burgh in baronie be oure said soverane lord, and understanding perfytlie that the samyn hes bene in all tymes bygane ane veray commodious recept for schippis and boittis of all the leigis of this realme and strangearis reparing thairto, upoun apparrelling of the quhilk heavin, George, erll Merchell, proprietar thairof, hes bestowit large expenses and yit the samyn will have neid of mekle mair befoir the said heavin may be brocht to perfectioun; thairfor oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis of parliament hes gevin and grantit to the said George, erll Merschell ane impost of tuentie pennies for everie last of guidis cumand in at the said port, and gangand furth of the samyn, comptand xx bollis of wictuall to the last, and sua furth in uther guidis according to the wait and quantitie thairof; and the said impost to indure for the space of fyve yeiris nixt efter the dait heirof, and with power to the said George, erll Merschell, his servandis and factoris in his name, to arreist, poynd and distrenyie thairfoir during the space forsaid.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.23r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.