2Commissioun anent the ministeris stipendis

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to Williame, erll of Mortoun etc., Johnne, erll of Mar etc., Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, knicht, thesaurair to oure soverane lord, Walter, commendater of Blantyre, lord privie seill, Alexander, lord Urquhart, president of the college of justice, Eduard, commendater of Kinloss, Mr Robert Douglas, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Maister Johnne Lindsay, persoun of Menmure, and Schir Patrik Waus of Barbarrauche, knicht, or ony sevin of thame conjunctlie, to convene at sic tyme and place as the saidis comissionaris sall appoint among thame selffis, and thair to treat and confer how in quhat maner thair may be ane minister provydit at ilk paroche kirk within this realme, and anent thair provisioun to locall sufficient stipendis and augmentatioun of thair present stipendis and assignatioun furth of the thriddis be the takkismen of teyndis and landis of quhatsumevir prelaciis or utheris benefices within this realme conforme to the comissioun gevin thairanent of befoir in the last parliament; and as the saidis comissionaris aggreis in thair said conference, ordanis thame to report the same be wreit to his majestie and estaitis to be convenit at the nixt parliament, to the effect thay may sett doun ane constant and solide ordor to be folowit furth thairanent in tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.22r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.