2Act in favour of the burgh of Edinburgh concerning the reparatioun of thair tolbuith and wallis

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, considdering that according to the lovable custume and auncient lawes of his hienes maist noble predicessouris of worthie memorie, thair being na thing samekle to be respectit in a reformit commoun weill, baith in tyme of peax and weir, as the guid and sufficient estait of the hous of justice, utherwayis callit the tolbuith, togidder with the wallis and portis of the principall townis thairof, maist meit and expedient, thairfoir it is now, in this perrellous aige, that the hous of justice, utherwyis callit the tolbuith of the burgh of Edinburgh, being the supreme hous of justice within this land, with the portis and wallis circuit about the same for defence thairof, be reducit in sic guid and sufficient estait as thairby justice may be commodiouslie administrat, trespassouris and malefactouris escape not furth of ward and thairby eschew the punischement dew for thair demerities, and the lyves of all thame that hes thair residence within the same may be preservit fra the cruell malice of thair enemies quhen the tyme of assault now aprocheand sall cum to pas, for quhilk effect and eschewing of sindre utheris inconvenientis quhilkis may ensew heirupoun thair is na reddier nor mair meit remeid less hurtfull to the leigis nor mair consonant to equitie and ressone than to enact ane ressonable taxt and impositioun furth of landis and rentis lyand within the said burgh, and thairwith to repair the said talbuith with all requisite and necessair commodities end easmentis, alsweill for administratioun of justice as detentioun of malefactouris committit to ward fra escaping furth thairof, and thairwith also to construct, beit and mend the saidis portis and wallis in sufficient breid heicht and strenth with fensing places in weirlyk maner, able alsweill to resist and withstand the enemie without as to apprehend and retene the trespassouris within, as hes bene observit in his hienes maist noble predicessouris tymes ofbefoir, and laitlie in his majesties awin tyme for edyfeing of ane tolbuith in the Cannowgait; thairfoir his hienes and his estaitis foirsaidis gevis, grantis and committis to the saidis provest, ballies and counsaill of the said burgh of Edinburgh present and being for the tyme full power and commissioun be thame selffis, taxt masteris, collectouris and under ressaveris, ane or ma in thair name, to ask, crave, ressave, intromettwith and uptak ane ressonable taxt and impositioun furth of all landis and rentis liand within the said burgh of Edinburgh pertening to quhatsumevir persoun or personis without ony kynd of exceptioun according to the availl of the saidis landis and rentis within the said burgh, efter the forme and tennour of ane taxt roll to be maid and sett doun be thame thairanent, and for the same taxt and imposition, gif neid beis, to poynd and distrenyie, that thairwith the tolbuith of the said burgh may be sufficientlie reparit with all necessair and requisite commodities and easmentis, alsweill for administratioun of justice as detentioun of malefactouris committit to ward fra escaping furth thairof, and thairwith lykwayis to beit and mend the saidis portis and wallis in sufficient breid heicht and strenth with fensing places in weirlyk maner, able alsweill to resist and withstand the enemie without as to apprehend and retene malefactouris within, according to the observatioun of his hienes maist noble predicessouris and his majesties awin lait observatioun haid heiranent, and to equitie and ressone.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.20r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.