2Commissioun anent the cunyie

The kingis majestie and estatis of this present parliament gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, knicht, thesaurair to oure soverane lord, Walter, commendater of Blantyre, lord privie seill, Edward, commendater of Kinloss, Maister Robert Douglais, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Maister Johnne Lindsay, persoun of Memmure, Schir Patrik Waus of Barnebarrauche, knicht, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet, clerk of register, Maister David McGill of Cranstoun Riddell, advocat to oure soverane lord, Maister David Carnegie of Culluthie, Johnne Arnot and Henrie Nysbit, burgess of Ediburgh, or ony sevin of thame conjunctlie (my lord thesaurair or his depute being alwayis ane of the said sevin), to meit and convene togidder quhen and quhair his hienes sall gif directioun, and thair to consult, treat and conclude anent the mater of the cunyie presentlie current within this realme. With power to thame, efter dew consultatioun, gif thay find the same ressonable and expedient for his majesties profite and commoun weill and utilitie of the haill cuntrie, to resolve and conclude anent the reformatioun of the said cunyie in ane better estait and conditioun. And for this effect, to mak proclamationis in his hienes name and authoritie for inbringing thairof to the cunyiehous, that the same may be brokin and command gevin to the memberis of the cunyiehous for stryking and making of new cunyie of better forme and availl as salbe fund metaist be the saidis commissionaris, quhais conclusioun and procedings thairanent, oure soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies and apprevis siclyk and in the same maner as gif the same wer done and concludit in this present parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.17r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.