2Commissioun anent decyding off suspensionis in the kingis causes

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament, understanding that ane greit pairt of his hienes rentis off the propirtie, thesaurarie and collectarie is restand in the tennentis handes and utheris addettit in payment thairof for dyvers yeiris bygane, be ressone of certane suspensionis rasit at the instance of dyvers personis quhilkis lyis owr undecydit and of horningis execute aganis ane greit nowmer of rebellis quha contemptuuslie hes lyne at the horne thir mony yeiris for non payment of his hienes dewties be and throw the default of the negligent and slaw prosequutioun of the saidis horningis according to the lawes of this realme; and considdering that for remeid of the saidis suspensionis and decisioun thairof thair wes ane speciall act of parliament maid in the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris gevand full power and commissioun to the lordis auditouris of his hienes chekker to decyd all the saidis suspensionis summarlie, to the effect his hienes rent micht be reducit to the former integritie and best estait, thairfoir his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies and apprevis the said act of perliament and commissioun thairin contenit, and of new gevis, grantis and committis full power and authoritie to the lordis auditouris of his hienes chekker, viz: [...],3 and to the senatouris of the college of justice abone writtin, or to ony sevin of thame (thair being alwayis fyve of the saidis senatouris of the college of justice of the said nowmer), full power, jurisdictioun and aucthoritie to decyd all and quhatsumever suspensionis of his hienes propirtie, thesaurarie or collectorie rasit or to be rasit be quhatsumevir persoun or personis, and to pronunce thir finall sentence and decreit thairintill, quhilk salbe of greit force and effect and haif the lyk execution as gif they were gevin and pronuncit be the lordis of the sessioun, commanding the saidis senatouris of the college of justice and lordis auditouris of his hienes chekker, commissionaris foirsaidis, to convene everie oulk, twyis at the leist, in the efternune, and to attend upon the decisioun of the saidis causes, and to minister justice thairin as accordis of the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.16v-17r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.
  3. A gap of about five lines follows in which the names should have been inserted.