2Act of the new gift of Dumfermling with the monkis portionis to the quenis majestie

Item, oure soverane lord, with consent of his saidis estaitis, havand consideratioun that his hienes beand in Upslo in Norroway the xxiiij day of November the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, for dyvers occasionis moving him, gaif and disponit to his darrest spous Anna, quene of Scottis all and haill the lordschip, baronies of Dumferling, with all landis, townis, maner place, mylnis, multuris thairof liand on the north syd of the watter of Forth, to be bruikit and possessit be hir for all the dayis of hir lyftyme, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said gift of the dait foirsaid, and now willing that his said darrest spous sall bruik and joyis the said gift for all the dayis of hir lyftyme according to the tennoure thairof, and to the promeis maid be him and be his saidis estaitis to his darrest brother Cristianus the ferd of that name, king of Denmark, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, confirmis, ratifies and apprevis the said gift, chartoure and seasing following thairupoun and all and sindrie heidis and articles contenit thairin, and promeises faithfullie to observe, keip and fulfill and caus the samyn be kepit, observit and fulfillit. Mairower, for the causes foirsaidis, oure soverane lord, with consent of the saidis estaitis, gevis and disponis of new to his said darrest spous all and haill the said lordschip of Dumfermling lyand as said is, with all landis, baronies, places, houses, biggingis, castellis, towris, fortalices, maner places, yardis, orcheardis, mylnis, woddis, fischingis, kirkis, teyndis greit and small, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis pertening thairto, with power and jurisdictioun of regalitie of the samyn, for all the yeiris and termes of hir lyftyme, and lykwayis with all monkis portionis pertening to the said abbey, to be bruikit be hir induring the said tyme, and to be peceablie intromettit with be hir factouris and chalmerlanis in hir name als frelie as oure soverane lord may bruik and posses the same be ressone of the annexatioun foirsaid, or as ony abbot or commendatar hes bruikit or possest the same in ony tyme bygane; and to that effect oure soverane lord, with consent foirsaid, cassis, retreittis, rescindis and annullis all and sindre giftes and dispositionis of monkis portionis pertening to the said abbacie maid and gevin be his hienes to quhatsumever persoun or personis for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun befoir the day and dait of this present act of constitutioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.14v-15r.
  2. The letter 'V.', with a cross to the left of it, written in the margin.