2Ratificatioun of the privilegis of the college of justice

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this realme convenit at this present parliament ratifies and apprevis for thame and thair successouris all and quhatsumevir actis, statutis, constitutionis and ordinances maid be his majestie or his predicessouris in favouris of the senatouris of the college of justice and memberis thairof sen the first erectioun of the said college to this present day and dait, without ony maner of diminutioun or dirogatioun of the samyn in ony sort be quhatsumevir uther act or statute that may or can be extendit or interpreit in the contrair, ather speciall or generall.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.13v.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.