2Act for puneisement of thame that trublis the parliament, sessioun and uther jugementis

It is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and lordis of articles of this present parliament that quhasoevir salhappin at ony tyme heireftir stryk, hurt or slay ony persoun within his hienes parliament hous during the tyme of the halding of the parliament, within the kingis inner chalmer, calbinat or chalmer of presence, the kingis majestie for the tyme being within his palice, or within the inner tolbuith the tyme that the lordis of sessioun sittis for administratioun of justice, or within the kingis privie counsailhous the tyme of the counsaill sitting thair, or quhasoevir salhappin to stryk, hurt or slay ony persoun in presence of his majestie quhair evir his hienes salhappin to be for the tyme, sall incur the pane of tressone and salbe accusit thairfoir as commitaris of tressone and lesemajestie; and siclyk statutis and ordanis that quhasoevir sall stryk or hurt in ony tyme heireftir ony persoun befoir oure soverane lordis justice or his depuittis sitting in jugement, or within the inner yett of the kingis palice quhair his hienes sall mak his residence for the tyme, or within the utter tolbuith of Edinburgh the tyme that the lords of sessioun sittis for administratioun of justice, sall incur the pane of death and salbe accusit criminallie thairfoir. And als statutis and ordanis that quhasoevir at ony tyme heireftir sall stryk or hurt ony persoun befoir the ballies of burghis, commissionaris, schireffis, ballies of royalties and regalities and utheris inferioure jugeis within this realme, thai or ony of thame sitting in jugement sall pay ane hundreth pundis to be employit at the discretioun of the juge offendit, and imprisonement of thair personis during the juge will, but prejudice alwayis of the privilegis grantit be quhatsumevir statute or actis of parliament ofbefoir to the provest and ballies of burrowis or quhatsumever inferioure jugeis. And last it is statute and ordanit that quhasoevir sall stryk or hurt ony juge within this realme sittand in jugement sall incur the pane of death and be accusit criminallie thairfoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.13r.
  2. The letter 'V.' written in the margin.